Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

Epillieofs. Paul to Titus. CARP. r.8. ( after a fort ) doublethour forces: both in flrengtheningour praiers,as alto by difpofing vs to the receiuing ofthefe graces. And now (to end this large treatilë) it will be asked , But what ifany Minifier be fcandalous in any of the forenamed vices, or defeEtiue in the verrues mentioned? Anfiv. I. If he be not anfwerable ro thefe Canons, it is plain by the Apofile, that he isnot to be called, a. If he be called , and after prooue vicious, he mull be dealt withall as an Elder : t, no accufation muff be receiued vnder two witneties at leaf*, r.Tim.S.r9. a. when he is accu- fedof a knowr,eand fcandalous vice, all poflible meanes muff be vied to reclairnehim. As, z. byopen reproofe, verf. ao. a, fomerimes by tran- flation of him to fuch a place, as where are leffe meanes ofthat finne; as one giuen to drunkennes, or contention, from a drunken and quarrel- bons people. 3. fometime by a temporal! depoficion from his office, if there be hope hereby to doe him good. 4. after fuffiicieur admonition, cenfures, and triall, by a perpetual) depofition from his place : yea and further, ifhe Rill prooue incorrigible,by proceedingto excommunicate him, and call him from the focietie of theChurch. And the rather , z. Becaufe Miniflers are fer ouer a people ro edifie, andnot deflroy them, 2. Becaufe the a &ionsof Miniflers haue a fecrec power, not tolead onely, but even compel( men to the like, efpecially if they be lewd and wicked. ;. Weaker and meaner men for manifell vices nor repented of, mull be proceeded againft ro excommunication: much more the Minifter, whole fcandalous life is infinitely more dangerous and hurtfull. 4. Such proceeding againil notorious, infufficient , and fcandalous wretches ( who neuer came in, nor are kept in by the A- poflles canons) would doe good for example. Verf. 9. Holding fafl thefaithful?word, accordion to doflrine , that he alfa may be able toexhort, with whole fame dollrine,anel improoue them thatfayagain( it. Hauing followed the Apollles meaning and method, in defcribing the fimeffeofhim, who is tobe chofen into the Minillerie , who for the innocencie ofhis life ought tobe free from manifold vices,and corrupti- ons, which areplentiful! in the world, and for the integritie of his con- uerlation(feefng whacfoeuer he doch is exemplarie)ought to thine with manifold graces, and verrues, as we haue heard : Nowwe come to the fecond branchofthe Miniflers fitneffe; which ftandeth in his abilitie to difcharge his high calling and place : vnrowhich is required fuch skill and cunning in the grounds and points of Chrii:ian religion, as that bee may be able toholdfaff,maintain,and iuflifie againll all challengers, that truth, and do6trine, which is agreeable to the faithful? word : that fo i 8 i How deficient b;bedcsought to bedcatc `"hart M 3 when-