Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

Epif)le o' S. Paulto Titus. Cxer.1.9 cannot lie, as verfe 2. ofthis chapter. 2. The inflruments were lead by 183 the immediate direClion and afiitiance of the holy Gho(l , 2. Pet. t. 21. 2 becing ofthemfelues, either rude and illitered men ; as Amos in herd çnan,'Tctcr 311d !o1,, fibers , tillatthew a toll-gatherer; fo as the great Matth.a.9. clarkes ofthofe dayes were driuen into admiration,to fee the gifts given them; knowing them tobe vnlearned, A&.4. t 3. or elfe they were molt fierce and bloodse enemies, as Paul, whom the Hebrewescould not be- leeue , that he wasbecome a Preacherof that truth he had perfecuted, vntill the Lord gaue further tetlimonie of him. ACl.9. z6, 3. The 3 matter of this word is aneuerlafling truth : theLaw an eternal! rule of righteoufnef e , as auncient as Godhimfelfe: the Gofpeil an euer/aging Gofpel, Reuel. 14.6. containingpromifes of eternal! crut h, which (hall haue their flabìlitie, after hcauen and earth (ball be no more : betides fuch Antedarticles of faith,concerning God in the three perfons ; and the Church of God, that if an Angel from heaven (houid come,and G,LO.a. teach another doctrine , he muff be accurfed. Moreoucr, fuch diuinc prophecies, and predictions, together with the exact accomplifhmcnts, although Tome hundreths, yea thoufands of yeares Fafied betweenc: as by this one part fùßicient euidence may be gathered of the faithfutne(îe and 1eadfafrneíTeof the whole, 4. Theforme of it, which is the con- formitie of it withGod himfelfe , maketh it appeare that if God be faithful!, thishis word mull needs alfo be fo : in that it refembleth him in his omniporencic, for this power and armeof God nester returneth in Efa.351+. vaine,butdothall the work! of it. In his wifedonx, giuingmofl perfeól and lure dire» lions, refoluing all c oubtfull cafes, and making wire tinto ,.rtms,ts, faluatioa. In his puritie and perfection ; beeing an v,:defiled and perfect t''21.9ß law.In his oinnifcience;it fcarcheth the heart,difcouereth the thoughts, deuideth betwecne the marrowe and bone, Heb.4.t 2. In his iudgement; .acquiting beleeuers, towhom it is a f ,veete favour of life to life : con- demning Infidels, both here, and much more at the lagday, lob. 12.48. In his truth and veritie; as here, and Cololi. t. 5. it is called the word of truth. 5. The ends (hew the certainrie and faichfulnes of it : it beeiug 5 the onelymcancs of regeneration, i.Per.i.2I.ofbegetting faith, Rom. Rom.i o. and coafcquently bothoffreeing men from hell and damnati- on, and of alluring themof that freedome : the only word that can fup- ply found and firme confolation, yea filed and affured comfort voto di- Rom.ts.4. dreffed confcieaces: noneof which ends could it euer actainc, if it felfe were vnlound and vncertaine Now as it carried) with it all threegrounds; fo are therewithout it a II number iuore,wherby we may cófirme the lame truth: as,i .ie i thefour,. Extc»»,1:4. dati.n ofthe Cburch,Eph.z.zo. againfl which ifhel gates could euer pre- t M 4. uaile