Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

CHAP.1.9. 141- Efa.s.ao. a ark.is.xq. 3 4 ,,Peta.at. Minit}crs.hold it a(ti c.4Commentarievpon the uaile, the Church were vtrerly funke. z. Hereunto bath the Lord tyed his Church, as to an infallible dire&ion; to the law, and to the teffimeny: without which there is nothing but errour and wandring :lee erre not knowing theScriptnrer. 3. This truth bath beene aboueall other oppug- nedby Satan, Antichrilt, heretikes, tyrants,yet neuer a whit of it was euerdiminished: Salomon, bookes may be loft, but not thefeof the true Salomon Iefus Chriß. That the Scriptures wereburnt in theTemple,and that Ezra compofeda newScripture, is tobe reieéied as a Iewi[h fable: Ezramight put togetherparcells of Scripture fcatrered , and compofe them into booker. But where were Ezechiel,2}aniel, Zacharie, Hagge, or what were they doing to Puffer all the Scriptures to be loft in their times ? or where was the watchfuli eie of God,could ir winke,or nodde, or not fee, or nor preuent the perifhing of his word vtrerly from the Church? 4. This word bath been focertenly fealed in the hearts of the elect of all ages, that where it once was harboured in truth,it could nc. uer be fhakcn out by any kind ofmo[t exquifte torture and torment. All which confirme the do6trine propounded moft plentifully. ()hied. But fomebookes of the canonicall Scriptures are perifhed. Anfw. Many indeede are reckoned, but they were either not canonicall, or the fubRance ofthem is 1E11 containedin the canonicall. O6iclt. But ifGodhimfelfe had written the whole Scripture as he did the Law,and had deliuered it to men (as he did the tables toMofes)then had there beene no doubt of the certentie of it : but it was writtenby men.nf. Yet is it as certaine as if God had immediately writ it with his owne finger: for holy men fpake and writ as they were mooned6y the holy Ghofi: not as men, but Gods inl ruments, guidedby extraordinary, immediate, and infallible affìftanceof the fpirir. O6ieil. In r.Cor.7. r 2. Paul faith, Ifpea4e,not the Lord. e.Anfw. The plaine feule in one word is ; I giue counfell in this cafe of marriage by colle&ion out oftheword ;ofwhiclrheword hath not deliuered any expreffe law: and no more can be gathered of ir. Yfe. This doarine is offpeciall vie both vnto teachers and hearers : vnto teachers it affoardetha twofold inftru&ion. i. if it be fo faithfull a word, to holdit fafl: a. tohold themfelues fáß vnto it. For the former, the teacher muß looke that he lay fuchhold on it, as he neuer fuffer it to be wreßed from him: no danger, no fauour, no power, no fubtiltie, may force him to vnfaftenhis hold:much lef a goe hacke and recoile from it, or play fail and loofe with it: or focarrie it as one that would fwim be- tweenc two waters,but cary it and hold it cur as faithfully & conftant - ly, as becommeth fuch a faithfull word. leremie on this ground , that he had a lure word, after he had beene (mitten and Rocked, he went not in- to.