Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

EprflleofS. Paulto ritus. CHAP.I.9. to corners, nor behinde thewall to fpeake the will ofhim that font him: but as one that had laid fatffer hold on it, in tearmesofdefiance andper- fonall application to the ftoureft and proudeft ofthem,hevttereth with Itro0.3.7. ,much boldncffe andplainneffe,what he had incommifion. The like we read of Amos again!+ Amaziah. The like of the Apof}les through the Amos 7.1407. Aéts, and their Epif#les: and all vpon this ground , that the Lord fent them with a faithfnll word. And if reafons will perfwade to this duty, we haue not a fewe. For r. Ttotiuey what found comfort can any Minifter finde in life or in death,butiu bee- ¡ ing found fairhfoll ? where was Pauls reioycing towards his death , but that he hadfought ageodfight, and had kept thefaith. s. This faithful! ;T'm47 word was not eafilypurchafed votovs,butby the bloodofmany afaith- full man,bothof Paflors and people, fhed in our owne andother coun- tries:and fhould the preachersof it efteemelightly offo precious and fo deare a purchafe? 3.Ifthe party depart or be driuë from thefaithful word, 3 how can his people hold it ?he is guilde ofall their Apoftacie fron the faith. Let thePat}orreceiue fucha blowe , the fheepe cannot but bee (mitten. 4. Looke on thedanger,and Gods righteous lodgement on fuch teachers,as efleemofmens words and writingsaboue that is meet, in the meane timenot embracing this word in the loue of their hearts. God giues themouer to beleeue and broachdoctrines befides the word: all their learning hindreth not, nay rather armeth them to Ilickc fall to falfhood and errors:and todefend doeirines ofmuch loofenefft and li- bertie. Efpecially the iudgement of God is come vpon the Romilh Church to the vttermoll,whobecaufe they lay this for a ground of their doétrine;that this word is not of it lèlfe faithful! and certaine,vnleffe the Church,andCouncels andthePo e authorize it to mens consciences p ten muß eora and that any other word thrust vpon the Church by the former authors- firmetiumore ty,is euery whit as faithful! as this;hence is their whole religiona myfe- °^en. Y Y z.zn,ncr.,y. rie ofinigaitie and dcli(ion: hence comes in interceflion of Saints, wor- fhip of images,prayer to and for the dead,pilgrimages here, purgatory hereafter, reuelatìons, maltes, bread-worfhippe,propitiatory facrifices, mixture ofMofes and Chrilt, which is a doctrine cutting them offfrom Chrift ; who hauebefore cut offche authority &credit ofthe Scriptures which are the wordofChrift: which fearefull judgement let it mooue c- ueryTimothie,andTirus,carefully to keep the worthy thingwhich is cour_ m.é.xa. mated vote them. x.T.m,ra4. 2. Euery Minifler is taught hence to hold him veto this faithful! 14 faIl veto word: for fo he fhall defiuer not things doubtful! and vncertaine, but .. loch asnien may leanevuto,reft,and (as we fay) write vpon. And this is infinuated by ourApoftie,rhat that is a faithful! miniflery, which hol- dec6