CHAP.I..O 186 ,, .t Ioh.6. Habac. a.:f. t.1Commentarie vpon the deth it felfeveto a faithful! word , fuch as is the lure anchor of Pens foules,againfiwhich hell gates cannot preuaile. Such was the mini-! (fiery of the true Prophets : Ieremie faith , of os truth the Lord bathfens me, andbidden me fpeaf;e theft things : of the Apoilles, who deliuered fuch things as they receiuedoftheLord, and commanded vs that if an an- gel from heaven, or a deuiil from hell fhould bring(not a contrary,but) a diuerfe doóhine from that , tohold him accurfed : yeaofthe Sonne of .; Godhirnfelfe, who faid,rnyword t not miarr 'bast myfathers'. What hor- ribleblafphemie then is daily praelifed in the PapifhChurches ? whole teachers calling thefe faithful! words a nofe of waxe, fend men todumbe idols the teachers of 'j4nitoes ¿,,dlies, yea to Apocryphall writers, to fa - thers,counccls,Bifhops,and Popes;as though the Scriptures had lofi all i their faithfulneffe; or as though the canons, decrees, femmes, and fen- tences ofmen were more (+able then that eternal! truth that (hall ouc- h!! heaven andearth. Was this al-Air/2/-4 word in Pauls time , and is it not fohill ?doth the bonneofthe eternal) father pronounceofhis fathers word,that it is not only true but truth it Celle , and that notone iot of it can paffe or faile ? and is it anyother then the voice ofAntichrifi,which (hall fay that it is no certaine word at !call to me, vnleffe the Church ' fay fo ? Shall the fpirit ofGod call it aforewordof the Prophets and A- poIlles,and aword oftruth, and (hall we heare a wicked and Iying fpirit comeout ofhell , and fay that this aabilitic end truth dependech vpon ttom.3.4 man? whereas , MGabe trueand every man a Oar; and that if thofe 1 men whom they tearme the Church, change their minds or any fenfe in Cnranua. the Scripture, foBoth the holy Ghofi allo. Let thefe owles the the light of the Scriptures,as fuch as loue toliue in darknes:carnall religion mull haue carnali props:like lips,like lettice, we fay, and loch a Church fuck Canon larva ! ficterrulefov !awes. As for vs,let vs as it. dandethvs in hand hold vs unto this faithful the Pnpa re- % word,and not in [lead ofit deliver the vnfaithfull words of men , whe- Iigion then Ca. cortical! ScuE Cher I'hilofophers,or fathers,orfchoole-men. And is it not good reafon cure. , that we fhouldbe tied to this word , when euen the Prophets and Apo. ma ,do. ¡ files were ? Efaymud take a role andwrite,andbinde the telintonie, and leale the lame among the dilciples : the commandment to Ieremiewas, preach thewords that I (ball tell thee. In the newt Tcdament they mull heare LiLLofesandthe Prophets. Paul was feparated topreach the Gofpell whichwaspromifed before by theProphets, and accordingly.he witnefl'ed that hefpáke flinching befides the thingsforetoldby the Prophets. Againe, what minifleriall worke is ir, which this word doth not moll naturally and happily elteel:for this is a lure inlirument tobeget faith, Ioh.17.10. and to confirm it,Aa.IS.3 z. toconuert fouler, PfaL19, 7. and to faut fouies,Iarn.LZZ. Now