Epifil:ofS. pm/loTitus. CHr+P.t.9. Now unto hearers this doctrineaffoardeth alto fpeciall vieof inAru- 1 187 &IOn. Peoplemuff at. tend to the z. If it be fo faithful! a word, euery man mutt attend unto it: faShfullwora. a. Per. 1.19. wehave afore?. word ,---ta whichyea doe well that fee at- tend. z. To lay vp this word finely, asbeeing the lure t:uidenceofthy fat- Hai it fanas uation,andofthy heavenly inheritance among the Saints. Men Lockevp the euideeeeof their euid&ces or convaiancesof land in fore and fateplaces,dclighc of- faluation. ten toread in them,fuffer no man tocoofen them of them , whatfoeuer cafualitie come,thefe areby all rneanespoflible fafegarded:aod Thal any man careleflynegleót fuch an euidence as this is, without which he bath no affuranceoffaluation,nor the tenore (out of his idle conceit)ofone Foote in heauen?alame man if hehold not faff his flaffe,falleth;aud who- focuer loofethhis part in theword,loofeth hispart inheauen. g. Here is a groundofchankefulneffe, in that the Lord bath not miry setanker, ll vouchfafed vs life, andglory,and immottalitie,when we were dead,and for it. when nothingcouldbe added to our milery; but bath aifo giuen vs loch¡ aconflant guid anddirection therunto:we might either haue groped af- ter him inpalpable darkeneffe;or haue had loch direction as might haue affoarded vs le fie affurance and comfort; but now belteuers knowe af- furedly that they were loued of the father before the foundation of the world , andout of that louechofen vnre life: that the Sonne was Pent to ranfome them from fanne, and prefent them iufl before his Father: that his fpirit is Pent out. to regenerate them, and to fur- ther and finifh their fanctification : that by his providence they are fup- plied in all.their good:that by his power they are protested from al their euills.Hemight haue brought vs toheauen,and neuer haue let vs know any ofthefe comforts in earth ; yet would he not fo (tenderly kaue his Church; but asour Sauiour noteth , he bath fpokenand written this TI rr.rr. word that oar le might be more full which is one enerall vie of the thank:thia y á' thanktfulnea whole word ofGod. Nowwhat can we doe leibe then in wayof thank- fulnes, I. yceld vp our feluestobe directed by this faithful! word ? a. Beleeue it in whatfoeuer it commIdeth,threatneth,or promìfeth,in that 2 it is fuchafaithfull word ? and hereby wePet alfo.our Peale vnto it, 3. 3 Conliantly cieaue vnto it in life and in death,andnot to be fo foolifh as tobeToone remooued to another Gofpell: nor fo fickle as children, to be carried a bout with euery wind of doctrine, but hold fait loch a (table truth fo full ofdirection in alithe life, and fo full ofcomfott at the time of death :for iris as a fall andfaiì'hful friend tried in time of aduerfitie; Banding clofefltoaroaninhiagreatefineceflìtie. Obseti. There is no fearc but we (hall hold out whatfoeuer fhould betide, we are grounded and