Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

The word is e. eery way fitted for the inttru- aian of the faichfull. It calons. T 2 cíg Commentarievpn the andCeded. Anf. But how many did in the fierie triall in oeene Maries time:fcarce one inCamhridge,borh the niuerftie and Towne ; or if one Poore Town (Men held it out in the flarnes,that was all. Laflly,boch Teachers and hearers,muff try their doetrin by this touch - flone:if it' abide this touch,it is gold,it is a pure and faithful! word; ifit be not according to this word,there is no light in it. Whichúsccarding to dottrine, ] Here our Apoflleboth deliuereth another note, and fetteth another marke vpon the word asallo vI'eih another argument, why the Mini - fler Should hold, and hold himfelfe veto the word of God delivered in the Scriptures;becaufe iris not onely a fesirh{xll word, veto which the faithful! may cleaue,and reti as vpon a lureanchor:bur alfa fuch a word as bearcth the bell for the fitneffeofit,to infliture,infiruéi,and edifie the Church,and members thereof:as if he had laid, That wordwhich is moll fitted to edification and inflruóiien, is to be maintained , andheld fall, that it may be held forth before Gods people: but this is fuch a word: and therefore Min f flcts muff hold it fafi. Dottr. Whence we lcarne, that the word ofGod is his owne ordi- nance,fictedtoinflruói the ele6t in all necefrarie truth, and do&rine: which is the very fcopeof our Apoflle :and will otherwifealfoappeare, if we confider, z. The rvifedame of God, who bath in the bookes of Scripture comprifed,and deliuered a moll perfeól rule ofdo&rine, con- cerning faith,and manners:to teach as both concerning God,our felues, and others, whatfoeuer is neceffary or profitable to be knowneto falua- tion. To theproofe ofwhich ferue all chofe places, where we read that it is able tosnake a man wife veto faluation : to inflruól him to ail righ- teoufnes:to furnifh him to euery good worke r to make himbleffed, by inchoation here in this life,and confumm-ation in the life to come : for here thorough patience and comfort of the Scriptures we haue hope, Roma 5.4,and hereafter lifeeternall,Ioh.5.39. 2. The ra,ercy ofGod, who bath written myfieries aboue theappre- henfion of the Angels themfelues,euen to the capacitieofncc finaplel3,in things ofabfolute necellitie : whereas if he had but fpoken theword, it had beetle more then he ought vs: but he bath written it , that we might ponder,and medicate ofit : yea he bath tranflated it into euery mans language, and fo fitted it to edifie the more; fo as fine words now are better then ten thoufand ifìc were (hut vp in it owne founcaine, or any other firangetongue : befides,he bath brought it to vs byan eafieprice, in oneportable volume, that we might conueniently exercife our fclues in it dayand night. And that we might vnderfland thole hard places, which for our cxercifcwe (hall meete withal! in reading : and that we might