Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

IEpiflleofs. Paul loritna. Ci i+ra.9. might be lead beyond the letter of the Scripture, to Phew the life of it in the keeping offaith and goodconfcience, he hath appointed a Mini- flry in the Church : and in all ages hath railed vpmen ofGod , whome he loath furnifhed with the gifts ofprophecie , and enabled with fundry gifts ofthe fpirit to feeand reueale the truth therein contained. For e- ucry manifeflation of the fpirit, is giuen toprofit withal! : and bee gaue . 18p cap r..y & fume to be Apofiles,fome Prophets,&c.for the edifying of the Church, and the gatheringofthe body of Chrill. 3. The power of God, who Eph..},n. 3 conuaieth fuch a power into this his ordinance,as wherby it becommeth Heb.4.12. fomightiein operation; fo able to cali downe thong holds,and euery high thing exalted againfi God: yea fo tirong at the weakefl, as that by it a- lone the kingdome ofdarknes and ofthedeuil is battered, and fubdued, and lefus Chrill thcPrince ofpeace fee vp in his throne within the hearts ofinen. aCor.ro.f. Vfe. Would anyMinifler edific his people ? let him hold fat's this There no word :would he teach them Chrill?this word tetiifieth ofhim: would he learning to this beget faith in them? this word muti doe it, Rom. t o.8. would he deflroy aril:aifie with. finne inthem? as Dauid laidof Goliahs (word , there is none to that: fo there is no (word of the fpirit but this : wouldhee tai(e the affliEled? hence may he (peak a fea(onable, and fauory word tohim that is weary: r.ham.a.y. in a word,ifa man will make themofi compendious way tobring routes toheauen,let him ohferue this rule of holding him to this word , which is ordained for tiocsrine. But ifa man either for idlenes, or cafe negle& the reading,and fludy ofthe Scriptures:or according to the vanity ofhis heart, lay by this booke, and fall to the (ludic of Friars, or Fathers, and feeke to preachmatters ofmore applaufe , or to get a nameof learning; in his profus dities,curiofities, and inch quainte deuifes , as he rneetech withal in wens writings;this man leauetn the right way of edifying men in the waies of God,and is in his conceit wifer thenhis maker,whohach fitted thee wordfor doffrine,and no other. 2. Hence note,that it is Gods will that curry man (hould be expert The linpteit in the Scripture , feeing hehath fo fitted it for the teaching of the fini- ou,httobeex. plea.. Whichmull force euery Man to examine himlelfe, whether he Scripturesbee. hash found it fuch a fit word for doeirine : for he who his heart cannot ins 6rtedto iu(lifie the word in this propertie,is no child of wifedome. Many haue heard this word a long time ; and yet vnderlland it not : haue learned little or nothing : are ignorant ofCisrifi, and what he hash done but in groffe, andgenerali rearmes : haue attained no latling comfort from the fame. Where now lied) the fault? the word is fit to teach thee, the that capacirie. Miniliry flablifhed, and fanéìified to the edifying of thee all the gifts. ofthe teachers are giuen toprofit thee. Why then hat+ thon not profi- ,P ted?