Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

EpiJlkofS. NMI10 TOW. for the in(ruûi6 of the Church,when yet therewere but the flue books oft'lfofer: are they not nowmuch more fufficient and perfeét, feeing the expo(tionsof theProphets, and the writings oftheEuangelifts and Apoftles are added ? Obiett. But as then the Scripture was imperfe&without the writings which after were added: fo is it now without the decrees, conftitutions, and traditions ofthe Church.Towhich I anfwer:that the written word was neuer imperfe6ì; for when the newe Teftatnent wasaddedveto the old, it was made not more perfe6t,but more cleare: for eueo then it was entire,ifnot info manywords,yct in the fame fence and fub(tance ofdo- 6lrine. Let them aske then what the Scripture fpeaketh,of this and that, as theBaptifineofchildren ,ofMariesvirginitie after Chritis birth, of purgatorie,or what by the Scripture we may thinkeofthe vncircumcifi- on ofwomen, ofinfants dying before the 8. day, of the fauing of the heathen, &c. I anfwer,if thethings of which they inquire be either falle or fabulous,as that ofpurgatorie; or not ncceffary to faluation, as that ofMarics virginity, the queftion isnot of them; it is no impeachment 'Intothe Scriptures to omit them,whereinwe fee manyof the words & fats ofChritt himfelfe omitted:hut ifthey aske ofthings more neceffa_ s;ie,ifthey beofabfolute necefíìtie,thefe arc taught fully and expreffely, as the fubftanceof all Chriftian religion. But for neceffariecircumftaa- ces, and inferiour truth about them , the Scripture often ( intending to prouokeour Rudy anddiligence) is not foexpreffe; and yet is not wan- ting in teaching them; but by proportion and analogie. As in the exam- pie ofbaptizing ofchildren,itisbyproportionand confequence taught I inScripture,though not info many fyllables :as feeing that circumcifion was adminif redtochildren,Tobyproportionmay children. 2. Chritt calleth them. 3. affirmed) that they belong to him , and his couenant, and therefore the fealebelongethvnto them. q, the Apoftles baptifed whole honfholds,wherein doubtleffewere many children. Obie&t. But Apoftolikemen who writ the Scripture,had no comman- dement to write the word; or ifthey had,theyhadno intention to write a perfeét rule toall the world: but writ occajiooafy either fomehi(ory,as the Euangelills,or epiítles and Ictters(as the Apoftles) according to the condition offeuerall Churches, or men to whom they writ. eflnf. r, They fpake and writ not byprirsatemotion, but by inftinEt,which is ecui- ualent to a commädement, a.Although they writ occafionally,yetwere tiny fo guided by Gods prouidence,that what(oeuer things the Church ought to beleeue,is clearly and largely dehuered in their writings.So as we may conclude thispoint with this furerule;Thac the wifeprouidence ofGodbath fo film ifhed theScriptures with linficiencie, and (loathed them CHAAI.9. :ya NewTeAameot an Eapofirien of theOlde, Ho,, baptirme of childrenmap. beproourdb/ I Scnpturee, ProreBata. I PerJ3p. Adorn plcnï. rudioem terip. tura.Tertull.. eont,Hermo,g,