CHAP.I 9 t/1 Commentarie vpon the 192 themwith perfeaiou; that whatfoeuer they can alleadge to the contra- rie , they are neuer contained in theScriptures, or they are not necef- farie. As for theobfcuritie ofScripture : We graunt not that the Scriptures be obfcure , but that many things in them are difficult. The Rhemifts vpon 2.Pet.3.x 6. that all Scripture is difficult, efpecially Pauls Epifiles; whereas Peter faith,onely thatfume things in Paoli Epiflles mere hard to be a.Fe43a7. .vnderftood,and not all his Epifíles. Againe, they forget that the fame A- poftle Peter (peakingof theScripture,faith,that it is a light frining in .5 dark!place. Somethinpt in Nowwhen we fpeake with the Scriptures that Come things are diffi- Scripmretb;f. culthow,anti cult, we muff cake with vs thefe three caveats. 1. That this difficultie proceedeth either from the mainly and high exceilencie ofthe things of God contained in them ;or elfe from theTownes and weakueffe of man whether vnregenerate, or regenerate. The vnregenerate perfon beeing in his natural l efface, isendued onelywith a natural! vndertiandìng, fo as the things of God are beyond his reach and compafie ; they are fooG/h- t.Cor.$.r4. neffetohini ,he cannot conceiue of them. The regenerate, although he hash an inward light of the fpitit , which theother wanteth; yet thefe chap.s; things to him are even reuealed hut inpart ; after an vnperfeót manner, and in vnperfe6t measles , vntill that perfelfcome : fo as the bell man is partly ignorant of the nature of the things themCelucs,befideshis failing in she encanes, as the knowledgeof the tongues, his fludy,meditation, 1 and labour herein. 2. Whereas they fay, that this obfcuritie is in things neceffary tobeknown;the truth is,that in all things neceffary to faluati- on, the Scriptures are fo euident in one placeor other , ar he that rnnneth Habs.a. may reside the feuerall points. 3. Whereas they fay, that this obfcurity 3 mull be fupplied by humane expofitions and traditions. I anfwer,that the commentaries,and expofitions ofgood men are not tobe negle&ed, but yet fo entertained as not limply arguing the obfcuritie of Scripture; but rather ourinfirmicìe and weakues, who cannot receiue a perfe61 doElrine perfeótly. Againe, how were tholepure° PrimitiueChurches direlted, that wanted all thole counccl ls,decrees,decretalls,lummes,& fntenccs, loffes,anddeterminations,which the Romifh Synagogue would bind vs vnto as rules offaith binding theconfcience? furely,they dare not denybut that there was more light,moregracc,more zeale and piety before fuch trafhoftheirs, which onlybrought in corruption and heretic into the Church,then euer was fince,or is euer like to be vnto the ende. We will all() conclude this point,nottng inone breath of Behar- mine three errors : 1. that he attributeth that to the Scripcures,wbich is tobe afcribed co mans impotencie. a. that the obfcurityhe fpeaketh of why I is