EpiJleofS. Paal to Tittu. CHAP.I.9. is in things neceffary to faluation. 3.that fupply muff bemade by hu- mane expoítious : whereas the right openingof Scripture,is by Scrip- cure. Thar he maybeable to exhort withwholefome doctrine] Nowwe come to theeadeof the former duty, which is , that he who is to be let apart to this waighty funtion, may be fitted & furnitbed to all the parts ofhis calling: which the Apottle reduceth to two heads,ac- cording to the feucrall conditionof the perlons, with whom he is to deale:for all teaching is either the confirming and tirengthning offound dodtrine, tending to the conuerting and confirmingofthe tra&abie: or elfe the infirmingand weakeningoffalle doftrine; feruing to the confu- tation andconuttion of fuch as are refra,tarie, and gainfayers of the truth: neither of which can any man poffibly fruitfully performe with- out diligence and fetledneffe in theScriptures, feeing that to thefe pur poles he muf hold faU the faithfull word. For the meaning: we muti enquire, a. what is meant by exhortation,and wherein it differeth from teaching.And the difference cheitly flandeth in thefe 3. things: 1. euerie exhortation is teaching,butevery teaching is not exhortation.a.to reach is more properly to propoundout ofScriptures, & prooue by the Scrip- tures things to be beleeued or done:to exhort, is to incite&prouoke the hearers to tirebeleeuing or doing of things,fo prooued by reafons and arguments. 3. Teaching is a former worke for the enlighteningof the vnderftanding,and framcth the iudgement. andexhorting is a fecondary work more properly peircing the aff'eaions, and fo furthering the pra- ¿tile. Secondly, what is meant bydottrine: that is nothing cis but the word ofGod taught:for that fame which is here called wholefomedoltrin, is in c.z.8. called thewholefome word: and to thew the identifie of them, the Apofile ioyneth them together , If any content not to thewholefome words ofour Lord Iefus Chrifi, and doctrinewhich is according to godli- neffe, he is puft vp. 3. Why is this doctrine calledwholefome? to which I anfwer, that that is wholefome doilrine, which beeing well prepared aforehand, maketh the foule found, and ingood plight and liking ; for it is a borrowed fpeach from the food of the body to the meate of the foule, which is theword of God here called wholefome doétrine : of which epithite fomething is to be fpoken,but better occafion will be of- fered vs,inchap.a.z. Dol r. i. In that the word is called doctrine, and no doctrine is with- out a teacher ; it behoueth euery man to repaire to the teachers of it. Now the teachers in the Church,are either thegreat dccttor ofthe chaire, who fully and fufï ciently teacheth euery beleeuer; and whole teaching isabfolutely neceffarie to the conuerfionof men : or elfe his Miniliers, zg 3 h eoih,s owne tight. Difference be. ea tton tw and enethorcach. te ing in ;.things. Doarine,what. 1.rm.6.3. whiwhoirom<. tVhobcthe teachers ofho. ty doarme. N 1 who