Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

CHAP.Y.9. 194 r ücJB!xluur. eDoar. i:ucty manmat become a lear- ner of tinsdo arino. PGt.tr9.96. Phil,;.r4. A Corx>nmptqsie yponthe who as fo many vfhers are let to teach all the formes of the Church; but fo asunder theMatter ; farre wantingand fhort ofhis abilitie ; in them- felues infufficient tobringmen vino the fight oftheir faluation,&much leffe vino their perfection : not becaufe they read not the fame lecture with the fpirit, but becaufe theycan onely teach the outwardcare , not the inward: neither are they Gods toconuert (although the word be a- ble to faue foule!) as he is,who ingiuing the precept, giuethaltopow- er to learne, beleeue, and prattife it. ITfe. Would any manbe taught to faluation ? not hauing this know. ledge naturally, hemull get him thefe teachers. Fir(l, he muff goe tho- rough thefe vfhers hands,and then according tohis proficiencie,the fpi_ rit thall take him intohis teaching. But ifaman will play the trewanr, and fit at homewhenGods free-fchoole is fer open, defpifing the teach- ing in the minillerie, conceiuing that hemayby his owne fiudie or rea- ding attaine petfe&ion; he neuer climbeth into the highell forine;he ne- uer lath the high things of God reuealed by the fpirit: who teacheth nor nowby new.reuelations or enthutiafines, but bathcrested a tninifiery of the fpirit, which euery one mull frequent that would bee made wife to faluation. Secondly, as this doctrine implyethteachers, fo doth it allo learners, and fchollers; Teachingvs that we mull all ofvs become learners ofthis word and doctrine:for fo long as there is doétrineand teachingonGods part,fo long mull there be an hearkning & learning on ours :and the ra- ther,boch becaufe that which is laid ofall knowledge, that it is infinite, is much more true of chi s,for Gods commandements areexceeding large: as altoPeeing in this fchoole we are to becomenot onely more learned, but better men. It may not therefore bewith vs ( whowhen weeare at thebell are but in part good) as many , who after theyhaue learned a while, glueover, as though they wereboth informed and reformed fuf- ficiently: but we mull be Hill profiting andgoingforward,and climbing as it were fromone forme to another;fo long as we liue, (lilt aiming at fomewhat beyond : for we maynot conceiue of Godsfchoole as it is in mens, which are fitter for boyes and children , then men of yenes: a Blame were it for an oldman togoe to fchoole:but hcre,whatfoeuerma- ny an ideot fay to the contrarie, that now they are too old tolearne , e- uery man mull waxe old in learning fomething daily:feeing the bell man may faire excell himleife both in wifedomeand goodneffe. Thus Pawl when hewas an ancient fcholler in Chrifis fchoole, preQd hard to tbing.r. that were before bim. AndDauid withother Saints of God, prayed fiii to be caught ofGod, euen when they were well taught; as fuch as who the more they faw,the leffe they could acknowledge.