Etii)leof S. Pall to T'its. CHAP.I.9 Vfe. In our learning ofthis doélrine,wemud examine our profiting 19y and progrefíe, leadwe be fuchdunces as Paul fpeaketh of, who were e- ster learning, andyet nearer come to theknowledgeofthe truth. And then w e profit when we like good fchollers haue paffed our grounds and ele- ments: and as the Apodle fpeaketh, when leaning the rudiments and prin-; Hcb.6,r. plesof religion, we are leddeforwardvntoperfeEdon: and then are ledde to further perfe6tion, when we haue taken out the two maine lef ons ofa, An eg,minati. Chriflian man, which Paul in ruery thing would be lure to keepe, cuen onwhechcrwe faith andgood confcience, by. which two rules till a man be moulded and { r'a tearnen s 6c cad into this forme ofdcdtrine, heit but anouiceChriflian,andafuper- 4htic.tßcets ficiatl fcholler in this fchoole of Chrifl : the former of which implyeth the knowledgeof the doElrine,and the latter the orderingofeuery par- ticular action ableby ir. Now the examination of our felues by thefe notes will reprooue ma- ny of vs as nonproficients, who would be loath to be fo deemed. For t. whereas for our time and meanes ( efpecialiy in this famous eye of the l and) our profiting might haue enabled vs to teach others ; many ofour xcbrs.u. felues had need be taught in the principles of religion:we canot be got- ten out of our A,B,C,& line of letters. If a mailer fhould for diners years together painfully ftriue with a boy, and could neuer get hirn out of his letters, what hope were there of his reading? and much leffeofany skill inhigher myfleriesof learning. It is the cafe of a number of vs. Many yeares hatte the maflersofthe affcmblies plainely deliucred dodhines, fit_ e`cleLtsu. ted to the capacitie of fimple men, yea often repeated them , and often beaten vpon them; yet a number that go for Chriflians,are extreame ig- norant in theprinciples ofChriflianitie.Andwhereas the Apoflle impli. eth that we may meafure our o,vne abilitie by our fitnes to teach others: how fewe ofvs be there that finde any competent abilitie to reach mien our pettyes in our families our feruants and children ? that colt & paines is ill (pent, when after feauen yeares fchooling a boy is not able to teach an other his letters : but many of vs that hauebeene hearers and learners in this fchoole thrice feauen yeares and abone, and yet ( to omit our vn- williogneffe)arenot able in any fort to catechize our families. Further, whereashe that is cunning in his profeffron,hecan fpeake of 2 it to good purpofe, becaufe he knoweth the myfferiesofit ; many ofvs cannot fpeake to anypurpofe, but when any (peach ofreligion is offered arc as mute as fillies; yeaare grieued to be drawne to any (peachof fuch things, becaufe our weakenes is thereby difcouered. Finally, were it fo that we had proceeded but a littleway in our profi- 3 tinghere,it would bewith vs as with fchollers or apprentifes,who being entred a yeare or two, neede not alwaies the prefence of their Mader or Na Tutor