Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

EpiieafS.Pax! to Titus. withmoll har(h entertainment, and hatefull oppoßtion ; that Sathan, finne, and all wicked ones, heretikes, feducers,Atheifls,and profane per- fans would refolutely refill it: befides,numbers that would account it foc.lifhnefhe, and that would take offence at it not a fewe:and therefore in great wifedome theywere careful', tibat it fhould carrie force maiefiy with ir. Vfe. Thofe that finde fuch fweetnes in the word,as the Saints of olde, cannot but withreuerent hearts conceiue and fpeake ofit, euer wich fig - nification of Come eminent goodnes in it: yea if they conceiue it in the author, the word (euen ofeuill)will be confeffeda good word,as in He- zekiah; and muchmore will the promifes be fweete in the tail. And if they acknowledge it in the moll proper etie&sofit; oh how will they thinke and fpeake of it, as of a thingmore neceffariethen fire, and wa- ter?yea,then the Panne in the firmament? Howwill they flirre vpothers toraft alfawarb them howfwcetc andgood Gdù i it? Thefe cannot come armen vfe tocome, but will be reverentin the congregations, where fuch words are vttered,as e/lbrahamwhen God fpakeveto him,fdlloz hisface: they will not rufhvpon the readingof it in publike nor private, without fotne lifting vp of the heart, and some gefiure fignifying that inward reuerence. a. This argueth it a deuilli(h and wicked praélife to eleuate the due eflimation and authoritie of the word, either in the Scriptures,or in the Miniflerie: once faidSatan, bath God indeedelaid,e.c. So the Papifls fpeake bafely ofthe word in the Scripture, calling it imperfedl, obfcure, contentious, awaxen note, an inken diuinitie, &c. and therefore well may the letter of the Scripture bewith them, but the life of it is far from them. In like fort many profane wretches debate the word in the Mini - flerie,conceiving it as a vaine word without profit; and boldly fpeake ofpreaching,as of talking : and others mutter becaufe there is fo much preaching,plainely (hewing by their (peaches that theyneuer knewe the fweecnesof it in their feules, and therefore asyet haue no part in it, nor in that life which it hath brought to light. Do(fr. 4. Whereas the Apoflle is not contented that the Miniflor should teachbut exhort alfo;it teacheth Miniflers to labour for this gift, wherby an edge is fet vpon theirdod?rine, and wherwith as with a goad they pricke on the affe&ions ofthofe that are under the yoke ofChri(l. A difficult thing it is; for teaching is an eafie caske in comparifon of it; andyet fo neceffarie, as that all the mini(leriail worke is called by this name, A. 13.r 5. IfIce baneanyword of exhortation, fay on. So Barna- bad hiswhole fermon is called an exhortation : to fhevve, that he that la- bourethnot in this point,faileth of all his dutie. Whence are all thofe N 3 pre- CxAP.I.9 197 As men feele the word in thti r hearrs,fo their mooches fpeakeof it. Efa.39 a. Pfal.;g,a. Eztk.33,31. Gtn.17.E. Seripturas non li plicitcr,id eft, ad effe cc- clefix, fed ad bcne cite folum n eceitatia1, neo to-neu fufficìen tes difputat. Bellar.de verbo dei.( i b.q.cap, 3. What to fudge of the Popifh fpirir,fpeaking bafely or the Scriptures. Miniflers mus fer anedge on their doterine by exhortation.