CHAP.I.g . I 89 relus fatit di- sertos. People tnof endure the wordofCahor- ration. tee alfo Color!. 1.4.collat.with a.s4. Then is ocher- ration power. full,when it is grounded on wSolrofomc do. ft tine. ACommeatarie upon the precepts, that the Miniflerfhould teach andexhort, z.Tim.6.2. and glue 4/1 diligence, as well to exhortation, as to reading, I. Tim. 4. z ;. For the profitable performance ofwhich, z. euery Minifter mutt labour for con- fcience of his dutie : s. for apitifull heart toward (inners : 3. for expe- rience ofthat he teacheth, that he may haue a flame in bis owneheart to kindle others by. Vfe. Many men thinke theyneed not be taught : but if they did nor, they need exhortation. Others thinke it fufficient to be taught in gene- tall rearmes, but robe vrged by exhortation,were to faue them whether they will or no. But it is not fufficient to knowwhat is good, but tobee lead on to the praélife; to which thatwe may be prouoked, the bell ofvs while we are in ourrace need fpurres. For as `Paul writ ofChriltians,the flowncs and weaknes ofwhom (he knew) required exhortation, as well as do&rine; fo that Chriftian that feeth not his deadneffe and continual! backfltding,s, knoweth no good by himfelfe : yea, he that perceiueth not a fpirituall heauinesand Humber daily oppreffinghim, without this tneanes, ( nay and with it alto) that foule is call on fleepe at leaft, ifit be not dead in finne. Befides,the truth is, there is much knowledge euery where, and fo little confcience, as ifknowledge & confcience could not Rand together : but ifmen did make confcience of all the duties they know, yet wereexhortation fill needfull: Peeing nothingwas more all with the Apofiles, then to flirre vp in beleeuers fuckgraces , as they thankfully acknowledged in them. t. Theff.1.3. the Apofile thankfully remembreth their diligent loue: andyet cap.3.9,zo. by a wife rhetoricall prererition, exhorteth themvoto it. DoElr. 5. Whereas the Apoille addeth, that exhortutiore mull goe withwholeforne Doctrine, we note, that then is exhortation powerful;, and profitable, when iris firmelygroundedvponfound and wholefome do&rine; then it carrieth due waight with it, then is it agreeable to this apoflolical precepr,yea tothat general pra&ife oral; the Apoftles,whofe manner was in all their Epifiles; firft to laydowne plainely the do&rine offaith and faluation, and then to perfwadeand exhort unto the enter- taineinent of it, and to tellifie that entertainement by the fruitsof faith and loue. For example: After Paul writing to the Romanes, haddifpu- ted the doétrine of luffification, not by works in the three firl Chap- ters, but by faith in the two next: and ofSointlificArion in the three next; and of Predeftinatien, in the threenext : In the z 2. Chap. and fo to the 14. verfe of the a r. Chapter, he exhorteth to goodworkes and Chrifli- an duties, voto the very epilogue, andconclouon.Thewhole Epifiles to theCorinths is a mixture ofdo &rine and exhortation. In the Epillle to the Galatians, after he haddifputed thedo&rine ofthe righteoufneffe of faith,