Epifleof S. Paul to Titue. C1tt.t.9. faith, which the falfe Apofies had wrung out of their hands : after his manner in the fifthchapter and fixt, he exhorteth theta to the ftudie of good workes. So inall the Epiftles maybe obfcrued, that after thedo- &trinall part followeth thehortatorie. And as for the particular pra Life hereof in particular cafes, both in prophetical) writings, Chrifis fer- Mons , and fayings, and in the Apoftles Epi{files, it would be infinite to obferue. Vfe. As this Dodtrineaffoardeth dire6Uon to Minifiers,to carry their exhortations leuell with theDottrine truely railed frorst theword , that they be as goads topeirceand prouoke to duty:which not obferued,the fpeach will be verified; a fea of words, butfcarce dropper of matter: fo doth it authorifeeuery hearer ro examine theexhorjations framed vino them: that ifthey finde the Meffengers of God exhorting them from wholefome doétrine; theymayacknowledgemore then a fpeach orper- fwafionofGod: euen fuch adoéirine,and ordinance, as the Apofile. iudgeth fitteff for the faluationof man. Which if any (hall dare to re- fufe, as accounting it(with manyat this day) a lip- labour of man ; or if any (}tall deetne and repute it an impotent meanes to raifemen to the grace of life, I can fay no more, nor lefte offuch, then the ApoftlePaul to thehatdned Iewes,that put theword from them: that they ludgetbem- felHe! vnworthy oflifeeternal. One day to their coil they !hall know , that all the force of theword licth not in the Miniiers tongue; and that his words aremore thenwind, as they efleeme them, ler, 5.13. 11adimproorre them thatgainfay it.] Thefe gainfayers areoftwo lorts:cither fuch as contradi & thewhole- fome do&rine, by teaching falfe andvnfound do&rine, whether Iewes, Pagans, Heretikes, or falle teachers; or elfe fuch as contradt6t itby their wickedmanners, and conuerfation, as a number of counterfeit Chrilti- ans,who dare nor open their mouthesagainft filch a cleare light,andma- nifeit truth, but in their hues : whereas it commaundeth puritie,they are filthy and impure : whereas it vrgerh pietie, they are impious towards God; and whereas it prohibitethall iniuftice, theyare iniurious to men: and inone word, whofocuer recciuenot the word with that reuerence and fubie&ion as itrequireth,are in the degreesof this finneof gainfay- ing the trutli.And in thewords the' Apoflle propoundeth three things to be confideredof: 1. That all there gainefayers mull be conuinced.2.that euery Minifter mull be able to conuince and reprooue them. 3. that bee hath this abilitie from the faithfull word. Dal. Firft, when the word is refilled and gainfaicd,theremuff beno bearing on theMiniflers parr, who is put in trufi to refill thofe that refill the truth. And hence areall our tlirresand tragedies, in that this truth N 4 mull 199 A&.11{é. Miiiflers mull r: f,a ,tfilcs ok the truth.