CHAP.I.g. v1Commentarie vpon the Zoo Numb.t6.3. fohsce. Pfal.z,3, Notes of him that trefì eeh the I Bph.r,t; 5'roi ts.i,. 2 muff goe away a conquerer, be it euen againlî Kings and Princes, and the great ones of the world. Pharaoh, Ahab, Herod, muff bee gainefaid and refiffed,though it coif the Metfengers their liberties,yca their flues. Many men fret and fume , chat the Miniflers are fo bold and peremp- corie,& their f rmons are too CO cenforious , (peaking in efe& the lan- guage ofComb, and his comp]iers,yeetake too mach vponyocs, cAjo fes and Aaron: and murmur againff fuch truths as croffe their lulls : raying with the Iewes, they are hardkings, and who can Beare them. If the word fay, they may not fweare with the fwearer,nor be drunke with the drunkard, nor prophane the Sabbath, nor fcoffe at religion, and the exercifes ofir, but fet a watch before their tongue, and keepe the doors oftheir lippes from filthy, idle, and fcurrill (peach: oh here are bonds indeed, fitter for gaily flaues, then liberall and freedifpofitions. Come, fay they, wee will break! thefe bonds, andcal thefe cordsfromVs : and yet there men would . haue the Miniflers tongue tied , and chafe and fume if they heare any thing they would nor. But are you gainefayers of the truth, and muff we not refiff you ? doe you rife vp againfl Chriff in falfifying his word, and contemninghis ordinances,andmull not we arme our felues againff you, found trumpets, and proclaime open warre again(( you ; yea, muff not we fo weld the fword oftheLords mouth againflyou,as that we ne- uer fuffcr you to haue peace inyourfinnes? And if any of you thinke much to be called a gainefayer ofthe truth, becaufe yee acknowledge in general] the truth of the Scriptures, and for need canmake confefiion of all the articles of faith : I anfwer, It may be thou arc nor come to the height openly to gainefay, as Iannes and Iambres did Mores: nor as Ely- mas and Demetrius; Phigellms and Hermoginer, Hymenema and Phifetrts did Pamir préaching: but ifthou fecretly fpurne agaiulf the word,cr endure l not the guidance of it, thou art a gainefayer, and maielf not looke ro be pleafed in theMinilfery. And to knowe thy (elfe a little better, try thy (elfe by chele three notes. r. He rhat cannot abide the difcouerie of his finne, cannot endure the light which =kerb emery ehingmanifeff: this maketh Ahab hate iWicha, i.King. 22.8. and the world hate Chriff himfelfe, becaufe bee teffified of it that the worker were euill. If thou then wanteff that obedient care which fhould make theebeare a reproofe, thou tariff not but be a gain- fayer. a. He that cannot abide the curbing of his lufls , is a refiner of the truth : for "what other is the fcope of all diuine truth, then to bringmen out oftheir natural! eflate; which becaufe men loue fo well , they wil- lingly calf offthe yoke ofChrifl ? the more then thou ffriueff for the li- bertie of the fief h, the more thou refifleth the freedome of the fpirir, anti