EppofS.Padto T'ätre. Ctnra.9. and fo becommefi the more a feruant toPanne, and a captiue to the lave of it. 3. He that is not with me ( faithChri9) is again(} me , andhe that 3 gatherethnot, fcattereth. Art thou with Chrifi in thy affeéüou?heard} thou his faying in which thou tefiifeil his loue ? or art thou one of that number that tooke it greiuoufly that Peter, and Iohn taught thepeople, eß,44. and preached Chrifi ? or that with Sanballat and Tobiah , who were foregreeued that aman was come who fought the good of Ierufalern? Neh+a, Nay ifthy affe6lionbewith Chrifi,thou cantt not lightly fpeakeeutli of that way,the feeteof thefe tydings-bringers are bewtifull , thou reioy- celi in their light. Nowexamine thy felfe, if any of thefe be found in thee although thou openly fight not againfi God, thou art a gainfayer ofthe truth,and thou mull be refilled in the Minifiery. The Iewes held andmaintained the letter of theScriptures moli accuratly , and yet Ste- uen celled) them that they were alwaies refiners oftheholy Ghof6: and the Aß7.$ t reafou was,becaufe when it came neere them,rhen they kicked and fpur- ned againfi it.Ifthou wouldfi not he roughly dealt withal' in the Mini- firy,refìfinot theword,but entertainc it in thy befi affe6lions to order thy felfe and life by it;and then though it haue been tart and bitter, thou (halt afterward find the fweetnesof it,it Thal be as bony in thy mouth in regard of the promifes; and ifit meet with any rellicks of thy finne in the iuIl reprehenfions ofit,thou (halt be able to fay O let the righteoNS thudfmite me,for this is a benefit vnto me, this is a precious ointment which fuppleth my wound, O let me not want it. This is the way to finde the word fweete. Micha, a. 7. are not my words fweete to him that walketh vprighty ? oh then be fo farce from fpuruing at the word, that thou mayefi rather tremble at it : and then in (lead of the fpirit ofcontradiòtton,the fpirit of God (hall refi on thee. Thefe things if thou doefi not,but will (sill rebell ; blame thy Idle if in it, 66.]. theword,thou beefs lull vnder blowes: for thou thy felfe beginnefi the fraie. Doflr. a. Secondly, we note what a fufficient man euery Minifier A u,; fitter ought tobe; namely ,fuch aone as bath a word of knowledge in his ought robe, mouth vpon all occafions both to exhort, and conuince : for which por- ,edge tk° poles he muni haue adoubled knowledge, and as a good fheapheard a doublevoice, one to gouerne his theepe, which mini be familiar vnto them ; andanother to dtiueaway wolucs: one to fiablifh and perfwade the truth; another topreuent errors, andherefies : herein refcmbling Nehemiahs builders, who helda trowell in onehand, and a fword in the NcL4. ;9 other, and accordinglybuilt with the one hand, and fought with the o- ther, Let aman confider of which of chele two he will, and then tell 201 nie