CHAP.I.9. t i!Commentarie von th 02 i me whether it benot a matter of great dif iicultiein any good fort to performe it : but both together will force the Apofilehitnfelfe to aske, who rafisfficient to thefe things ? it is not euery reader, nor euery ignorant Preacher that can flandvnderthisburthen. Na, no, ifcuery part.of the Mininers officerequire as compleate aman as that one, Ifai,5o. 4. ifthe fpeakingofa word to feafon require a learned tongue :howmuch more Ezn.7.6. cloth the whole office requirean Ezra, aman prompt in the lawe of the Lord? a workeman indeed,and fucha one as need not beafhamed? And can we chinke that theLord fendetti anyother: cloth he vfe to fend a rncffage by the hand ofa fooee? furely if he fend any, he nakech them a.cor.; e. fir fl able Minigers of thenewe 7eflamtnt not ofthe letter but of the f irit. In the oldTetiament if he railed vp any extraordinary perfonsveto this worker what fpirit ? what power? what deepe vnderftac1ding? what j refolutionmanifef'rcd they? as that they feemed rather petty Gods then I men ; both in theexa& knowing (although by reuelation) and making knowne things meerely to cone; as alfo in the powerful( refilling of Gone cuen in Kings themfeluesand the greatefl vpon earth : Suchwere Mofes,Elias, Ifay,Ieremic,&c. Ifordinary Minigers, they alfoare firfi fitted : yea though they were but infcriour Leuitesand Priells,both to be the peoples mouth vntoGod,toput incenfebefore the Lord , as alto to be Gods mouth to the people, to teach Jacob Gods iudgement, and If- Dent.;i,ro. rael hrs law.But if high Preitls,theymuff be fuch as whole lips mull pre- (crue knowledge , and fuch as who can refolue the peoplewhen they feekevnto his mouth in the difficult cafes of the lawofGod,for be is the meffenger of the Lordofheflt,Mal. x.7. In the newTetiament accordingly,ifthe Church haue need fora time of extraordinary Miniflers,fuch as are Apo files,Euangelifis,euangelicai Prophets; fuchare railed, and to fuch is giuen by the fpirit the word of t.cor.ta.5. wifedome, that is, a more excellent reuelation, and more fpcciall and im- mediate inflind} and aflìftauce ofthe fpirit, together with more eminent auchoritie, in explaning the mylieries ofChrifi. If ordinary Paflors be Adumb n,;n;. railed by God, by the tame fpirit is giuen to them the werd of knowledge, tier cannotbc that is, bydiligence in the Scripture they obtaine loch knowledge, as Gods me en. ger. that theyare able tomakeChriaknowneunto others,althoughthey be faire inferiour to the former.Whcre this wordof knowledg is wanting, thatcommiflion is not foaled fromGod. The Eunuch could reade well enough,euen as many among our people can , and yet he could not t'a- derJtand without aguide: and how could be hauebeetle a guideveto him (except ablind gurde)that coulddono more then himfelfecould ?name- ly,reade, perhapswithoutvnderflandingalïo. God lent him no filch guide, but a Philip,anightyman in the Scriptures , and full ofthe pow- cr