Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

Epiffkofs. Pswlto?itµs. CHARI.9. er ofGod. 203 0fe. Let everyman whom this do&rine concerneth examine here- by the truthofhis calling ; whether he bath receiued thewordof wife- dome or no:which findinghe (hall boldly fay with leretnie,ofa truth the Lord bath lent me , and runneth not beforehe be lent. 2. It is a great motiue to thankefulneffe wherefoeuerInch able Minifïer s are planted, where Godglueth learned tongues, that can exhort According to whole- fame d.l rine: learnedEzraes skilful' in the lawe of the Lord ; eloquent Apolloes,mighty to conaince by theScriptures thegainfayers. Whereas pi- tiful' is their want,who in this regard are as men cart out of gods fgkt: Ter.rr.:. wanting the bleffed meanes of an ableminiary : for in fuchplaces god- f dhrkn ube line re wu(t needes bevnperfwaded,vice vnrefifted,trutst vntaught,tall ramcs itnnnot hood vnconuinced;therepeople cannot but lieopen to become a pray vb Ult1 les e in the to thedeuill , a fpoile to his wicked inaruments , a atop for all wicked praìifes. In Inch places feducers,and wicked Iefuites,the veryheads to imagine,and hands to execute all mifcheife lurke as in the vaults of lafe conduEl;praelifng daily towithdrawmen from alleagiance to our hea- uenly and earthly Gods andKings:fuch folles lievnder the heavy wrath ofGod ,asto whomnofinnecommethamiffe.1fthere be no knowledge nofc.4.rr ofGod in the land ;needennauft therebevariety ,yea an inundation of molt fearefull times: andconfequently ofheauy iudgements,into which both Prophets and peoplewho haue finned together,fhall fall together: VCCC45° for where vifonfaileth,people arenakedly laid open to all the curfe of God:and when all Mae' had beene a long feafonwithout the true God, without the' s chr., S.3.6. Priefl to teach,andwithout the lave,no meruaile if therewere no peace tohim that went out and in: implying both thefepoints ,thar without true tea- ching,withoutthe true God;andwithout God,without peace,and blef- fing.Oh that men therefore could prize the blef{ng where it is ; and fo bewaileit where it is wanting,as that by all good meanes they labour the procurement and prefenceof it. voftr. 3. All this ability in the Minifter muff be had out of the The Scripentes farailh a man excellently to everymintite- rialt duty. a.Tim.3.16.ry, Scriptures;feeing the Apofileaffirmeth that by holding fait the faithful' word,he Thai be able to both thefemaine works of theministry. In like manner our Apofile teacheth Timothie not onely in generali, how the Scriptures are able tofit the manofGod to emery goedwork,f ofInaminiferie, but reckoneth vp alfo all the particulars of his duty, that no man might doubt but that it fitteth himvoto all. And indeed the Scriptures area rich treafurie,whichaffoardeth abundantly things both newe and old : he that would read the writings, fpeeches, and doings of the aun- cient fathers,let him reade theScripturesdiligently:they be a liorehoufe wherein aman may furnifhhimfelfe voto all , a. doi rine,all.ofit beeing writ-