Cornmentarievon the written for our inllruétion, a. vntoal! confolation,for through the comfort ofthe Scriptures we h aue hope: and Dauid affirmeth, that if he had not found comfort in the lame, be herdperi/hed in his trouble, 3.vnto all refolution ofdoubts, by which alone Chrift himfelfe refolued the cafe of diuores, Matth.i9. and the Sadduces in thecafe ofthe refurreflion,Matth.aa. 4. 4 I untoall flrength in temptation,bywhich fword of the fpirit alone Chrilt vanquifhed all Satans affaults,Matth.4, 5. And for theother branch ofconuincing the aduerfary. The Scrip- tures are fitly compared by the auncient vntoDauìds fcrip whence he fetched out the llonewherewith Goliah fell veto the ground : they be the onely hammer of heretics. Whatfoeuer controuerfies Chrill and his Apolilesmet withall, they brought the deciding of them vnro the Scriptures,althongh they might haue otherwife confuted fallhoods, & by theirmiracles haueconfounded their aduerfaries. When the Preifis andScribes difdained Chrift , becaufe the people lung Hofanna vnto him, heprefently prooueth his diuinitie out ofthe Scriptures. So Peter prooued out oftheScriptures,A61.a.and 3. and Paul Burry where that Chrifi was the Meah and Sauiour ofthe world,out ofMofes and the Prophets:Apollos was a man eloquent and mighty in the Scriptures; but not by hiseloquence didhemightily and with vehemencie confute the Iewes,but (hewed by the Scriptures that Iefus was theChrift. Yfe. z. To mooue fachas are feparated to the miniflry , vnro the di- ligent reading of the Scriptures;& to redeem that time which they haué or mayotherwife fpend in reading filthy , lewde, dnd wanton bookes; fuperltitious pamphlets,Machiauells blafphemies,or Popifh errors, and herefies:vnles it be a. with found and fetled iudgement,able to difcerne right fromwrong,truth from falfttood: and a.with this end, either more todeteft them in themfelues, or forewarne others ofthem: and thus the wife marrinernecde not leaue the fea ,ifhecan auoide the rockes. But let a Timothie or Titus hold him to this booke,tte (hall hence haue fup- plyofwifdome to facie himfelfe and others:or what wouldeft thouwith betides wifdom for thy calling ? wouldefl thou befitted to exhortation? deeeiue not thy felfe,philofophie cannot fit thee: only the word of God worketh in all thepartsand powers of the foule, minde, will, and euery affe&ió:by Philofophy thou maifl enforme the vnderftanding although but darkely,in the things ofGod:but did that euer reforme or alter any mans heart? reade then this book,teach this,and thou (halt ranfacke the affeétions,yeaand confciencesofthe hearers. Orelfewouldtl thouhaue a dexteritie and facultie in the quicke refoluing of doubts ? ftudy this truth, beready in it,and thou (haltfinde truthmanifefling both it felfe, and the contrary. And feeing this is theonely_euerlafiingveritie, it will much Verica, index fui & obliqui,