EpflkofS. Pamt:oTitters. muchmore make theemighty to ouerchrow whatfoeuer is contraryve- to it. Finally,wouldea thou haue eloquence added to all thefe former a- billiments, without which they could not be but obfcure? then fudie this truth ofGod,and thou (halt feele it framing thine heart ; and fo mi- nifiring fpeech : yea thou (halt fpeake out ofthe fulneffeand abundance of thy heart gracioufly: nay,it will bewith thee in thy meafure as it was with the Apodles; thou canft not choofe hut f eake the things thoufeet and knon'eft 2. To confute the Popi(h teachers,who contrarily , I, teach that the Scripture beeing fohard and obfcure as they fay is is, may be wrefled & abufed by heretikes at their pleafure: and that no man can be fitted voto cheleduties, efpecially the latter of conuielionof error fully by the cui- dence of Scripture it fele, except he borrowe Tomehelpe and force els- where, namely,from the expofitions and voice oftheir Church.And a.in deciding their controuerfies ofreligion(according to the former pofiti- on) they fie from the word veto Bithops,Fathers, Councells, Decrees, and Popes. But to the firfl,we anfwer,chac although we are not to neg- Ie&,much le(fe defpife the light & dire5honof godly mens expofitions and iudgenaents,nor fuch truths as are received dy the true Churches of God. yet without them,by confidering the nature of the things them- felues,thoconference ofplaces,the knowledgeofcongues,& the fu table correfpondence ofthe parts of thecontext; wemay come to attaine the true meaningofthe placeconcrouerted,& by that be able to conuince& wichaand all gainfayers.And to the latter,their praó&ife is contrary vnto Chrifis and his Apoffles, as we haue (hewed. As alto the pra6ble ofthe auncient Churches finceras mayappeare by that memorable courfe of Confiantine theEmperour,who commanded the Fathers met together in the NiceneCouncel,about 362. yeares after Chrifl , to referre the great controuerfie then in hand againa the Arrians , to the decifion and determination ofthe Scriptures.Which godly courfe Auguftire backeth, . who hued notpail 4o.yearesafter: whenhe aEfirmeth , that it was an an- cient order of difputing , to haue prefenc the bookesof holy Scripture, and to Eland to the trial! thereof. if this was an ancient order of difpu- ring in Asp/tines dayes,furely the contrary Popi(h prabìife is but a no- ueltie,andwe iuflly preffe them to antiquicie. Vet f. a o. For there aremany difbedient, andvaine talkçrs -, anddeceivers ofminds, cheifly they ofthe circumci Pion, a a . wholementhesme beflopped,which fisbuert whole houfes teachinL things ,rrhich they ought not,forfilthy lucresfalle. The coniun&ion[for] ihcweth that thewords following containe a reafonof thematter preceding, namely, why the Knitter fhould be a CtiAP.t.9 f man 10 The seripture/ make the Mini. ifenmouth a harpe (word. tfa49.s. Aa,y,so. The voile iso. ver the heart of the Papiff, nos ouer the Scrip.. turcs. Aug.cpift.sóa.