Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

CHAP.I.1I0. vl Cotr ,.etetarie vox the 2o6 !man fo qualifiedwith able parts both to maintaine the truth and cen . fine the falfhood. The reafon is drawne from the defcriprion, t, oftea- chers, in thefe twoverles : and 2.-of hearers in the t z. The teachers are detcribed by three arguments. r. from their indefinite number, there aremany : not twoor three , who are eaÑly fet downe, but many. z. By their aditmets,which are two : i. They aredifobedient, or refra&a- rie; fuch as will not fubmit themfeiues to the true doEtrine, and difci- plineofthe Church. 2. they are vaine talkers: that is, inch as beeing giuen toottentation, and vanity, contemnethe Rudy , and deiiuerie of found, and profitable doEtrine, and fcarch out words ,andmatters,of wit;and applaufe, both of themofmore fweetneffc vnto the fleth then foundnes unto the foule and (pmt. 3.,By their matt dangerous efl'eóts, and thefe alto are two : r. Their deceiving of minder: for which vn. godlypraóbfe, he efpeciallybrandeth them of the circumcifion : that is, either bymetonimie,the Iewes themfelues circumcifed: or dieGentiles Iudaiizing, embracing lewifh opinions, mixing the LawandGofpell; Moles and atilt ; circumcifion and baptifme together :making indeed an hotchpotchofreligion, by confounding things that can neuer Rand together. The 2. efeCt of them is, their fubuerfion ofwhole houfes:that is, they poyfon and infe& whole houles: yeaand where the grounds and foundation of religion hachbeene laid, they ouerturne andover- ' throveall. This laft effeCt is declaredby two arguments : c , from the inftrumentall caufe of it, and that is by their falle doctrine., teaching things which theyought not: 2. from the finallcaufeofit, that is, coue- 'toulüeffe,for filthy /acresfake. Now thefe teachers beeing fo many , fo dangerous, andhurtfull, their moot hesmull needes6etopped, Which is a common conclufion let betweenc the two verfes, as having reference vnto themboth; as a common remedie againtl all the milcheife which any way may be let in by them:and therefore chofe that are to be admit- ted into the Miniftry,muf be ofability to flop their mouches. For thereare many difobedient. ] Error in life Boar. t. In that the firfi thing taxed in chefe falle teachers by the commonlya olile, is difobedience, we leatne that difobedience commonly is the 4roundofer- p y roe in doarine. groundof falle doétrine. For, I. it is iva with God , togiuevp thole to :.The(fr.io, i errors and delufion, that recciue not the truth in the loue of it: for ncato wherefoeuer it is receiued in loue,obediencecannok__ut beyeelded veto 1 it. 2. The nature of finite is euer tobe excufing it Ore, and is loath to be crofled,although neuer fo iuttly, but fiudieth how to defend it fetfe as long as it can,cuen by wrefting the Scriptures, and by taking vp one errorfor the maintenance ofanother. 3. ThetenourofScriptureioy- 3 neth thefe two together. Whatones were the falleProphets and falle teachers,