Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

Epißkofs. Padto?iJta. .. CHAALItO. teachers, which would bring indamnable herefies, but fuch as fhould ao7 hue in the loft o fvneleannts, and line m bruit beat s ledwithfeafitalitie? and sPet at.tata. what manner ofperfonswere they,that like Iannes and Iambres,fhould refill the truth, but menof corrupt mindes, wholly given vp to liue in their lulls? and not fo onely, but rtprobrateconcerning thefaith : fuch as depraued the do&rine offaith, and the pure veritie ofGod to their own ! lewd affe&ions ? And if we looke vpon particular perlons, was not this the reafon whyElimas refilled Paul and Barnabas, and fought to turne away SergiusPaulus the deputy fromthe faith;becaufehe wasfullofvn- ' A& rigbteoufneffe, and thereforehe could not ceafi topervert theffraight waies ofGod ? Andwhy did not Diotrephes receiue the Apofiles and their do- ótrine,profeffinghimfelfe a Minifter among them?Iohn glues the reafon, becaufe he lowedpreheminence,which neither they nor their dolrine ;.roh.y. could affoard him. Ofe. t. Neuer make any MiniPterthe rule of truth , feeing error in life ( from which none is exempted) may breed error inDoólrine : but readewith diligence the holy Scriptures, whereby thoumaifi beable to difcerne after trial!,betweene truthand falfhood; and accept it for it felfe. a. Meruailenot much ifthou feel many Miniflers refill the truth for No maruaile it many in all ages are difobedient; and no meane ones, that hate to be in- ""n;9ers reG(} ehe tru flruëled themfelues,contradi& the truth, and in (lead of building , hin- f>r maay ate der thebuildingofthe Church; as Sanballat , and Tobiah the walls of aifubcdient, ;erufalem: yeaone Ieremie hadPafhur and all the Preifts againfi him: Chrifi himfelfe had Annas, Caiphas, Scribes,Pharifes, people,and all a- gainfl him: andwho were they but fuch as neither entred themfelues into thekingdome ofheauen, nor would fuffer others:nay rather marke the point that is refilled, whether it fight againll anyof their lulls : thou mightell haue feene 400. Prophets again fl one Micha : thou mightcfi haue feene in Qeene Maries time all the P:ieflsand Clergie that durll be (cent, refilling andouerthrowing all the foundation ofreligion ; and condemning todeath,and executing whofneliétdurfi muteagain(' ileti 3.2. there is a Synagogue ofSatan as well as a Church of God , and confe- quentlymany Miniliers of Satan,as well as Minifiers ofChrill. ;.Whofoeuer wouldknow and bepreferued in the truth, muff learne to yeeldobedienceuntoit: for this is a fpeciall meanest Ioh.7. r 7. Ifany manwill doe hiewill, he(hall know ofmy i%lf , .rine whetherit bee ofGod , or I Thee fF,end fpeake f felfe. moth labour in. 1 }, fn J l o , vane,who are Vaine talkers.] difobedicnt to DeEF. Preachers who themfeluesare difobedielit veto the word , for Z d^tTrine fi mopartbecomeintheirMioiflerlenobetter then vain, talkers.. r. In «;ehfelueh regard.