Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

CxAY.IIo. 208 cí1 Commentariezlponthe regard ofthemfelues beeing vaine glorious perlons , affe& applaufera- ther then godly edifying, which is a moil vaine thing. z. In refpc5t of their labour,which is all in vaine,neuerattaining the end and right (cope of the preaching of the Gofpell vnto faluation; for he that foweth va- nirie,what elfe can he looke to reape? 3. In regard ofthe hearers, who alto fpend their Nines in vaine: they hearea great noire and pompe of words , and aglorious (hewof humane wifedome , which may wrap the limple intoadmiration, but they are left without reformation:their care ', isperhaps a little tickled , but their hearts remaine vntouched , neither are their foules foundly inflru&&ed,nor fed withknowledge,but they go away as wife as they came.Thefe Paul callech vaine talkers , & vain ian- glerr, r.Tim.r.6. and againe,profane and vaine bablers, and that iuftly: z. Becaufe theirpufc difcourfes proceed from the profanes of their harts: z. They areas flrange fire from the Lords Altar , oppofed to that which the Lord bath fan6lified to the faivationof hispeople: 3.They are fo far from the edifyingof the Church, that they caufc men to encreafe veto more vngodlines andprofannes. T'fe. z. Note the difference berweene thefe and godlyPaftors,which are according toGods heart : there feedGods people with wifedome and vnderflanding; the other with vanitie , and winde : thereas they haue their gifts andcalling fromGod ; fo they fpeakeeuery word from him,and for him:the other like the Deuils cooks,are euerblendingwith the truth, that it may neuer bepurely tailed : and like vntruflie follici- ters , fpeake oneword for God , and two for themfelues : thefebring meare in their mouthes, which though it be courte, and fettled in great fimplicitie(likeDaniels dyer which wasbut water & pulfe ) yet becaufe it is Gods allowance,it goeth with a blefling,whichmaketh thechildren ofGod thriue by it ; the other ferue vp more curioufly cooked difhes, with greater five and oflentation of humane learning , and eloquence; but for want ofnourifhablemeat in all this variety, the foules of Gods peopleare kept thinne and leane, and rife and depart fuch banqueta without any great faturitie. Now ifany would ¡lime himfelfea true Pallor feet from God , let him aime at thefe two things. r. Gods glory,not his owne: for to feeke himfelfe is anote ofa falte teacher: fee, lob. 7.18. z. the railing of the Church vnto heauen,andnot himfelfe inearch.Rom.io.r. his hearts de- fire muff be that Ifrael may6efatted: he moil defire to fall, fo that hispeo- piemay be railed to heauen,Rom.9.3. 2. Notehence adifference betweene the Apoflles iudgement, and the judgments ofmany inconfideratemen. Men account fuch preachers vaine talkers,that apply thewórd home toeuery wholefome vfe,and the more