Epi /Ileofs. Paul to Tttta. m ore dextôritie a manbath in this excellent gift, the more liable is he to this imputation.: whereas indeed here we are taught an other leffou,that thofe whole doctrine vani(hetüaway without buildingon the foundati- on fuch as come preparedly to the word,thofe are vaine tall<ers;and their teaching is a froathy teaching:but if true do&rine be wholefomly appli- ed, and haue quicknes and life in it ;woe be to that man , that faith not, This le thefinger ofGod,and that God s's inyov indeed, t .Cor.14.25. 3. Marke hence what kindofMinifaers the Apoflle would haue put to filence: not onely fuch as are open enemies to the truth , or broachers of lyes; but fuck as are difguifers acheword, froathie teachers, fuch as feckeout vaine things for the people : Paul would haue lookt to diefe betime,and would (werehe liuing)floppe the mouches offuch:he knew that the Churchmight better fpare a icoo. ofthefe, then onegodly and faithful! Paflor:and were this canon put in vre,forone filencedMinifler we firould haue onehundred. Deceivers ofminds, ] By metonymic ofthe fubie&t, the heart is put for the mind: the aunei- ent according to the Scriptures fcating themind therein : for ;rite, pro- perly fignifiech the inwards about the hearrand further by Synecdoche, thetsinde is put for all the faculties of it, efpecially the vnderflanding, reafon, and iudgement:all which are deluded and deceiued by thefe vain teachers. Qefl. Howdid thefe falle teachers deceiuemens minds ? Anf..Foure waits : 1. Byfuppreffïng thecruth;for by their vaine Tangling& fpeaking liker Poets, Philofophers,Hiflorians, then Prophets, ApoElles ,orany fuccefforsof theirs, theymade a cleanly conuaianceofthe light from the people, &withholding the truth and light, they icad them fromChrifl, from the right knowledgeof the Scriptures, from found godlineffe, and religion irr judgement andpra0tife,and fo they remainedas danke in their vnderllanding,as erroneous in their judgements, as froward in their af- feEtions, and as wicked in their lines as euerbefore. Secondly, byflar- terie: for theywould not deale diredtly againfi the 1 nnes of the age, as godly Miniflers doe, but deceitfully that they might not difplcafe:here- in imitatingSatan himfelfe,who was wont ofoldc to anfwerin riddles : as he anfweredCrefiss, that ifhe would traniiport himfelfc oucr the duet Ha/r,he fhouldouerthrowe a moll mighty kingdome,namely, his own. But Cilficha willnot deceiue nor flatter with eAhab, although it fland vpon his life. Thirdly,by lettingmen fee their efface infa/fegl rffes,fo as they nrxter fee the truth of it : for people taught by fables and nouelties, chinke, and are borne inhand, that they are inheaucns highway ; their foules are brought on fleepe; and comming from Inch froathie difcour- O 1 les, CHAP.T.10 209 What RinAt's ,ould be f,len ced. Pracordlx. Falte reachers decciue men, minds *waits, t s f rzfirs Halyn tranans magni pemertetopum awl. 3