Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

CHAP.t.10 alo 4 Three proper- ties of error. t a 3 Thebe fence aga.n(ì !We teachers. s.Theff.:.ro. A Commeutarie vponthe fes, they fit downe and pleafe themfelues in that they haue done their task required;efpecially ifthey canbring home a fell or Come wittie fen- tence, when perhaps they (caree heard-a wordof Chriff, oftheiriu(lifi- cation, of theirmortification, or oftheir glorie. 4. By placing religi- on in bodily exercifes, not in matters of fpirir and truth, Colof%i. yo. thus did the Pharites in their times, the Papifis in theft; and who- foeuer vrge the decrees of men more then the commaundements of God. .ell. But whole mindes are deceiued ? .Aofsse. Firs}, their owneand then others; for theyare blind leaders oftheblind, deceiuing, and bee- ing deceiued : and although here our Apoltle exprefferh not here who they be that are deceiued,yet el lewhere he loth, as Rom. t 6.18. theyde- ceive thehearts of the (mple: and 2.Tim. 3.6. they lead captivefmple women: and 2. Pet. z. 14. they beguile onffablefoules : whence we fee that igno- rant, inconftaut, and vntctled foules, whichhand oaer head recciue any doEtnne without examination or trials, whole Gmplicitie difableth them to fudge betweene truth and falfhood, and whole leuitie makes them like (hakenreeds: thefe are the catkafes on which fuckvultures do feaze. Hence, r.note three notable properties oferrour. I. It neuer loueth folitarineffe, but is a fpreading leauen, fhrowding it felfe in multitudes, and compelling fea and land toprocure patrons,and Profelytes. Exam- plewe haue in the Iefuites,the arch- deceivers ofminds,andimpoflors of the world. a. It taketh the highefl holds ofmen, euen the mind, vnder- 1 anding, and indgemenr that theeie once beeing put our, and the light turned into darkenes;it might cary men headlong remorflefly ro all cur- led prauifes, which neceffarily refemble as they proceed from the for-' mer. 7. It ouerturnetball Gods order and ordinances : for whereas the (cope ofthe teachers calling is to enlightenmens minds, perlwade their confciences, re6lifie their hearts, fo as they might grow vp in the fauing knowledgeofGod inChrift,and the liuely fenfeof their own faluation: in a word,whereas they are to let and containemen in the right way, er- ror in their minds caufeth them to drawe menout of the right path, as this word properly fignifieth. z. Notewhat is the bell fence againu falle teachers, and an hedge a- gainft feducers: namely, a. knowledge, z. loue of the truth. The for- mer armeth 6mple foules, by letting them fee the difference betweene the right hand and left, without the which the minde cannot bee good. But the latter is thefureft paceoftruth,andthatistheloueofit :forno matter it is that men know, Rrofeff-e, and talke of the truth, if their foules cleaue notvnto it: for even vpon thefe that receiue the truth (hall cod