Epifileot S. Paid to Titus. CHAP.I. ZO God fcndf rangdelufonstobciceuelyts; if they receiti it not in the loge 211 Of i r. Vt r ceoa pec. Que./7. But what is this doêlrine to vs? we all profeffe the truth and ca an Y`pc` lout it from our hearts,and thertorewe hope we are fenced from decei- uers, as being deceiued. eInfw. But let vs confider , I. That there are the lafl times which theApofiles prophecied of, euen perillous times, whereinmany deceiuers fhotild creep into theChurch, andmany (hould r.rim r. L.1lR[ 1 giuc heed to the fpirits of errour. 2. That thefe deceiuers of mindes r' were fuch, as Hued in the bofome ofthe Church, among fuch as profef- fedChrifl and his religion. 3. That they lurked fecretly, and that the Chriflians of that time could hardlyof themfelues defcrie them and therefore the ApoLle is glad to helpe them, and wifheth them carefully to preuent them: and therefore there may be priuie impeflors among vs. 4.That wehaving lit doores open for them ,we Thal not want deceiuers. for whatfocuer many men fay, mot's men loue not the truth fireerely dolt withal' ; nay, they delire to be deceiued, while they hate with a deadly hatred fuch Michaes, as would let them fee their eflate, andhelpe them our. And is itnot Gods manner of iufl proceeding, when men defire preachers that will preach of wine and firongdrinke, to fend them fuch teachers as they drfire, that he that is ignorant and filthy , may be igno- rant and filthy fill? Thofe then that care not for the truth, (hall haue teachers which fhall be Gods executioners to lead them intoerror : that as by the great An- tichrift theLord rcuenged and plagued the contempt of the light in the world: fo alto in particular Churches and places, by falfe reacher s, and pectic Antichrifls. if men will not abide whofefomedoélrine, but haue itching Bares; they (hall haue anheape of teachersafter their ovule lulls, to L T'm.ts turne their cares from thetruth , and delude themwith fables. Let A- hab once hate Micha; the Lord prefently confulteth who (hall deceiue him: and if thisqueflion once proceede out ofGods mouth, the deuil is prefent,and fo farward in the executionof Gods vengeance, as he (hall preuaileagainfl loo. falle Prophets at aclappe, before he (hall not fall by theto.This truth is as a finger in the bile,and beeing rubbed will per- haps make Zidkiah take his lift from Michaes face,and fay, when went the t.$ing.at. fpirit frorameto thee ? yet ceafethitnot robe the truth of God concer- ningour felues, who fo long as we glue beetle to the fpirit of error can- not want deceiuers. Let men therefore profellirng themfelues members of the Church, loolte voto themfelues, and labour to knowe the truth, toeffe 't it , to (landvnto it,if they would be fenced againfl feducers : for fuck there be, and (loreof fuch,feeing there is fach [lore of the contempt of the light: 0 z in-