Cornmentvie vpon the 112 indeede'sf th,::z wereno hatred of the light, there would be either no aeceiuers of minds, or no danger by them , for they could nor preuaile; out feeing there is fo little loueof the light, thefe mull needs abound. Hence is it that of late yeares , fuch troupes of Iefuiticall feducersof minds haue entred vponvs; and haue been bold ( notwithflanding fe- uere lawes,fome cnaéîed, Come reuiued andquickned againft them ) to skulks in ignorant places:and how can it be but that fuchplaces as want found teachers fhould be haunted by feducers ? Would God fuch pub- like perlons whome it concerneth would enforce a moil forcible law a- gainll them, which is the placing of faithful' and furnifhed Pa(lors xa?ó rJrtn, parifh byparifh, who might fence themagainfl fuch delufions. And for private men, let them be refolute for theprefent truth, and con- tend for it, feeing themoll conftant hardly hold out vnto the end : and Deue.11.1, feeing theLord lendeth falleProphets, to triewhether we lore hint or no. Ifwe hearken to deceiuers , theLord then manifefleth that hypocrifie which was in our hearts, euen then when the greatefl !Lewes were made by vs. Efpecinly theyofthe cirerrmeifion,1 PAN! thus notably defcribeth the Iewes by a principali adiunói, as elfewhere he putteth circumcilion, and vncircumcifion for thenation of the Iewes and Gentiles, the oneof which was circumcifed , and the other not:in which fence alfoChrift himfelfe is called theM/niJlerofcrr- c>f ncirion, that is, not ofthe law, which he put an endevnto, and abfo- lutely fulfilled ; but in that he was a Minitier ofthe Iewes, within whofc borders he contained himfelfe, as he was not Pent but to the loll lheepe ofthe houfc ofIlrael. Now the Apoftle not fomuch meaneth the peo- pleof the Iewifhnation, as the Iewifh teachers, the teachers of circum- cifion,fuch as arementioned, Mt.' 5.5. with whom the Apofl les were alwaies exceedingly troubled : who , as Gal. 6. 12. compelled men to becircumcifed, not byany outward force or power,but forced it vpon them in hopeofmerit, as abfolutely neceffarie to faluation: theomifflon ofwhich, they taught to bea dangerous, and damnable fin :whereas in- deed by the deathof Chrifi, circumcifonwas nownothing, as vncir- cumcifionwas nothing, neitherany outward thing any thing auaileable to faluation, but a new creature within. The perlons thenwhom theA- poflle painteth,were fuch teachers as would ioyne Chrifi & Mofes,cir- cumcifionwith Baptifine, and the faith of the Gofpcl withdo&frineof the law to iufiifìcation. And thefe he boldly noteth andnamed), both becaufe there was an apparant vice conuinced ; as allo becaufe it was fuch a one, as beeingpermitted, would haue ouerturned the Gofpel,the faith,and faluation ofmen. Whichwewill firft fhew that it was fo,and ]. what