Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

I EpiflleofS. Paidto Tittu. CHAP.I.IO 21" Vfe and ends of "r`umrf ou. Heb,ro.r. Heb.o.:+. eph,a,t4. 2. what we are hence to learne. For the former, the greacnes of the error will appeare, if we confider the vfe, and ends of the inflitution of that legali Sacrament of circum- chion. The vfe of it (asof all other fuch ordinances , yea of the lawe it felfe, by which they were quickned in their times) was, to befhadowes of good things tocome: and therefore they all were to receiue their date, and death, when the bodies of things themfelues appeared : The which would more clearely appeare in this Sacrament, if weshould (land ro ap- plythat which the Apoille generally vtterethofthe facrifices ofthe old Teílament ( and as true in their ordinary Sacraments) almof all things in the Lawewereperformedwithfhedding ofblood: andwithout(bedding ofblood, mar no remon:All which the Apofíle there proouech to be dated,by the (bedding of amore preciousblood, then the blood of bulls andgoates. So as althoughbefore Chrifis death, euery mans fhedding of his owne blood was needfull CO fulfill the rite of the law: yet feeing Chrifts blood oncefhed,putteth au end to all ceremoniallfhedingofblood,icmuff fol- low that this Sacrament muff ceafe, becaulein Chrifls blood the cir- cumcifion of all wascelebrated. .Againc, confider the end ofcircumcifion, which was either, r.politihe: or .. dsuine. In regard ofboth chele it mull needs beceafed. The former was diftínó}iue, to diflinguifh Gods people from all other nations, who in reproach were calledvncircumcifed ; as Dauid in difdaine calleth Go- liah au vncircumciled Philiflim : the Apohlecalleth it a wall of partition, parting the people within the coueuant from thole that were without it. Which wail fo long as it (food vp, they might not contradl one with an- other, efpecially in marriage : and therefore the foonesof Iacobwould haue this barre remooued, before they would match their daughters or lifter to theSicbemites: yea, they would not entertaine any (hanger fer- uant,but he muff firfl be circunuiied,whethcr he were born in the bottle, or bought with money. Obiecf. If it be f:.id, that other nations receiued circumcifion belides the Iewes, as the Ifmaelites, Ammonites, t 1oabites Egyptians, as hiffo- ries truely affirme. tanfwer, it was cafìe for the people bordering vpon Pale(ina, to take it vp from the Ifraelites: as the Moabites , and eflmmo- niter: and for the Egyptians , theydoublces learned it from them, when they foiourned with them 400. yeares. But yet ceafed it not to be a diflinetionbetwecnethem. For, t. chele receiued it not by the cotn- maundement ofGod, but of their own heads, by Satansmalice Peeking to ouerturne Gods ordinance, 2. Not as a figne of the couenant, for God made none with them. 3. Not as a profeffion of faith and obe- dience to the true God ; for they claue ilill to their idolls : in all which 0 3 refpeéls,