Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

Cfup.i.to. A Commeiatarie vponthe 214 r refpeEts, Gods people duelyobferued it: fromwhom at fir(I they tooke it vp by fooli(h imitation,and afterward continued it as a rite , and tra- dition from their fathers. Nowwho feeth not, that when the Apoíle writ this Epi(ile,all fuchdiiiintlions ofinen were ceafed ?and that Chriß broke downethis partition wall?in whomnow neither lew nor Gentile, Goetz. bond nor free, male nor female, but all are one. i.Diuine vfeof The fecond vfe of circumcifion, is divine, and that is threefold. ï. To threefold. 3o feale,oftitto Gods part, and aGg it orecalled by the name of the couenant it Idle. Now in thisvfe it mutt needcs be G:tta7.to. ceafed: for if the couenant it idlebe ceafed, the ligne of it is void & fru- ßrate, But confider wbat branch and claufe of it you wil,this truth will appeare; ifthar,concerning themultiplication ofhis feede as the fìarres, whichwas a temporal' ble(fing, let the Iewes come now and fay as in Chrißs time, weare the feed of eifbraharn, and Abraham is our Father : anfwer may be (haped them, that whofoeuer doe the workes of Abra- ham, are Abrahams feede : or if that principal' claufe of the bleffed feed, Luk,442. in whom all nations fhould be blcffed,Eliz.a6ethc ipeach (hewed) the ac- compli(hment thereof, 73leffed art thou amongall women, becaufe thefroite ofthy wombeitblefJèd: which words fhe vttered beeing filledwith the holy Gitol, verf.efr. or in generali looke to the whole olde couenant of theold Tefiamenr, it is after a fort ceafed, and a new eflabli(hed in (lead tcr.3tsr. ofit ; fee Hebr. 8. 8. In that hefaith anew teflament , he bath abrogatedthe olde. 2 a. Divine vfe was to fignifie the inward circumcifionof the heart, wrought byChrifl:and therefore called theci,cumcitionofChrifl: where- by he inwardly cutteth offthecorruption ofthe heart, iußifiech vs,rege- neratethvs, fetteth vs into himfeife, communicateth all his merits, and benefits of themvntovs : to all which purpofes he once appeared in the (leih, and now in his owne bodily abfence fendeth out his fpirit. This cotott.:,to. Paul calleth circumclfion made without hands. Now how iuß is it that when circumcifionwithout hands appeareth, that the other made with t +,:Ads fhould reafe,. 3 3: Maineviewas to reprefent baptifi te, which was to come in place of it, in the new Teflamenr, Colof2.r 2. yesare circumcrfed, in thatyee are 4uriedwithhim, throughbaptifine. Now then when baptifine, which is Chrifian circumcifion, is once inflituted,neceffarily mull Iewifh cir- cumcifionwhich was a type ofit reafe. From which three ends , we may anfwer that maine allegation,for the continuanceofcircumcilon,in that Gena7.7 . it is called an eternal! and euerlafling couenant. But, r, the couenant is (aid to be euerlafling , not (imply but conditionally, namely fo longas the