Epifileo S. Pad to Titus. CHAP.[. Eo. the coueannt of it failed ; for gnolam finifiethnot alwaies a cime without ' 215 all onde, but fuch a time as after a long durancemay admit determinati- on and expiration. 2. In refpe& ofthe thingfignified , that is, grace in tailing coup. Chriti, it may be Paid CO haue euerlatlingnes. 3.1n regard of the perpe- "'"t tualt fupply thereof by baprifine, which is to laR as long as time, but not in the cesemonie or lhadowe of it (as the falfe Apotles taught much lefle with confidence in it as a meritorious caufe of iullifcati- on. All this bath hitherto let vs fee the errorand finne of there feducers: Now the danger will be defcried if we confider that of Paul, Ifyeebee c'tqa circunacifed , arewill profityounothing r for what were this ether then to denie the true Mtffìah, and his appearing in fuinef e oftime? % %hat were it but to retire vp againe the partitionwall which is dellroyed ? what eis then to renounce the new covenant ofgrace ? and eflahlifb againe the dde oneof workes, which was to giue place to the new ? fo as ttuely faith the Apatle, by eRablifhing circunuifion a man becommeth a deb- ter to the whole few ; which cannot but be ioyned with the fall of all religion, faith, hope, baptifine, and confequcntly the Joffe of faluation it felfe. DsElr. The plainneffe of the Apoflle in decyphering the reducers fo dina ,ócr t6o manifcflly as they might he knowne ; teacheth, that where there is a pra;"crmnábc common danger towards theChurch , by meaner of falfe teachers, wee ene rcyrootç arenot to (pare their credit, but to lay thttn open, as not onely their cr- rors, but their perlons may he knowne and taken heed of: in which re- gard Paul narneth there deceiuers. Andhet-cot-are fondly other forcible Rcafons. reafons : t. Becaule the faluationof theChurch, and members of it, is more to be refpetled, then all Satans fynagogue. 2. I: is necef(arie that y filch fhould beknowne for (careofinfeólion : for falfe teachers may doe mote mifcheifeinpoyfoning the$ocke,then a number of private men can doe. 3. The Apofiies tcoke great libertie herein; as Paul named) A. lexandertheCoppetfmith, and wifl,eth7imorhictobeware ofhim ;and Jahn in his third EpiRle narneth Diotrephes let his ambirion,and pro- ; mifeth to decipherhimmore plainly,and fopaint him out in his colours, as that the Church might abhorrehim. But yet this text affoardeth vs forceconditions of fuckplain reproofe, condo¡Doti of which neceffarily mull be obferued to the right perforinâce ofthe fame. ¡ plain reprooFc, three. As, r. theerrour muff becertainly knowae,as This was, a. Jr mull not be curry frnail error; but loch a one,as r. greatly iimpaireth Gods glory: z. greatly impeacheth mans faluation, as we haue prooued this to doe. For otherwife if their errors were either leflé dangerous in thens glues, or more dangerous to themfelues alone (although herein they muti bee 0 4 made I a