Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

CHAP.r. r O. cilCommentarieupon the zrb made voide ofexcufe: their wickednefre (hewed them, and their prepa- red damnation preached vnto them) if they did not hurt others with chemfelues, the true Patiors might with leffe danger diremble their er- rors ; and let them rot away in their 6lthinefre ; butin the forefaid cafes, there mutt be no bearingof them. 3. In the reproofe, Chriflian loue mull bewray it felfe; as the mindeand intention of the Apofile here (no doubt) was not to gall, or vexe there deceivers, nor to wrecke himfelfe vpon them ; but carry in his eye the careof the Church , and the profit of Gods people. Enery good aólion muff be done well, in a good man- ner, and in a good intent : andhere efpeciallythe manner mull difcouer the intent, and that is, when fuch a fpirir of meekenes putted) foorth it felfe,that even the parries openly reprooued may fee their good fought, in hauing theirfinne discountenanced , and their perlons rather difcoue. red, then difgraced. Vfe. r. This doctrine noteth the fîmplicitie of Tome, who thinke it very uncharitable fo to noteopen offenders in open reproofs,as men may carry them leuell to the offenders,.or impute it to want ofdifcretion, or to lame malicious intent of the difcrediting of men ; whereas befides that no fuch thing is intended,the property of charity is more carefull CO prevent the common hurt oftheChurch , then to lane the credit of force 1 few men of corrupt minds. Sundryplaine :.Whereas tome idle and fooliln heads, haue let themfelueson work,. 6epnoókescun. to paint out tome worthier men then rhernfelues in their colours,aa:d to pieture out tome fort ofinen better then thentfelues, men of founder judgement confpiring in all the amine points of true religion, and of innocent andinoffenfiue liues,with the black coales ofenuious and flan- derous inue6liues, !hitting to befineare them ; circle haue no colour of warrant for lush a rotting and diflempered praa`life. For, r.theyhaue no calling. Godneuer fetteth any man on worke ro defame his feruants, z. Are fuch errors as are imputed vnto them knowne and conuinced: or li- tigious and controuerted ? or are they fuck as ouerrurne religion, & fal- nation ? teeing they confent in the whole truth, and fubf}ance of religi- on. 3. Doe not all eyes which looke on fuch pióìrrres, fee the intenti- ons of the piáiurers to haue been gall, bitternes,vexation,and wrecking ofinensperfons? fofarrefrom the fpirit of meekeneffe; that the fpirir of malicebath fuggefìed them with word's as ( harpe as (words: and as 1ob..s.so lob fpeakethof the crocodile, flames of firegoe out of their mouches, and sparkles of fire leape out: the smoke they fend out is like a feething pot or caldron. 4. As the fpirit oftruth is a peaceableand meeke fpirit, toneuer (hall a man finde a bitter fpirit confcionably vtter pure truths, neither indeed will truch,Gods darling dwell with fuch. And what lou- derÍ