EppofS. PanltoTätus. CiHAP.I.10. der lie then to chargeGods children with damnable heretics?Let all an- 217 Three things tiquitiebe fearched,and we fhall find three things which mail concurre woetomake an to make an heretike. z. The broching of fomeching contrarie to the Hercticke. Articles of faith. z. Adeparting from the Church vpon it , with pro it feflìonof drawing Difciples. 3. After folemneadmonition ,afliffneffe in fucherror and fa&ion. None ofwhich if theycan be found in fuch as ( 3 to whome all are imputed ; let euery man iudge whether Inch boldneffe in any man deferue not moreopen reprehenfion and cenfure ; whereby fuchmight learne at length to fpare the credit of fuch who are fo farre beyond the reach oftheir enuie, as that they juflly pittie their weaknes and folly;and not with Cham attempt any more the difcoueringof their fathers nakednes,which were a goodway to toner their owne. Ofe.3. Let none looke to be fpared in the Minifirie if they will be incorrigible,uo not great ones. Ifany people might looke to be fpared furely they of the circumeifionmight, beeing a people of Inchpreroga- clues. But a. Paul preferres the Churches good abone their credit. z. As Godbath no reppedof perfons,nomore bath his word. 3. When great ones are more feuerely taxed,inferiourswill feare the more. Mar. z. Noce further who are to be reputed the cheiîe plagues of The Aechfedv. the Church and the archfeducers of world, euen the of the circrsm- «rs ofcne peo , } ,/ ple of Gud. cifion, that is, inch as ioyne the lawe with theGolpe!, andworkes with faith in theail ofiudification :for they teach fuch doó rive as abolifh- eth fromChrifl,and makethhimprofit nothing:and that in inchmanner as men can hardly fhift or auoid them,for they !lily glide into the extra- ordinary commendationof that the Scripture alto commcndeth,and at- tributeth too much voto that , which the Scripture afcribeth fomewhat vnto. As for example :Circumcifion in the prime ofit, was an ordinance to Peale the righceoufneffe of faith, and for a timewas worthily in fuck reputation, as that death is iuflly threacned againd the neg:>c`,f ofit ; be Eaod.4.4. it in Mores himfelfe. Thefefeducers hence taking occafion goe one flep futther,and wil haue it a meritorious caufeoffaluation,and confequcnt- ly will not haue it dated, when the Lord hath expired it :but albeit the bodybath appeased, the fhadowe mud remaine. The Popifh teachers at this dayare the ioU heires ofthefe feducers,as Yopifhceachers appeareth in thefeparticulars : the Iewifh teachers would profeffè and prooudeffor, teach Chrifl, but not alone: for he mud be ioyned with Mores , and all the former rites;and all thefe with Chriffs merits muff be jumbled to iu- flification : linen fo Popifh feducers fit with Antichrifl in the Church ofGod , and profeffe Chrid ; but together with Chrid they muff merit lomethingthecnfelues,& fo make themfelbes debters to the whole law. Andfurther,they make the works of grace, almes, prayer,fafling, con- triti