CHAP. I.10 218 a 3 The holdingof whole Pop, rie cut tcth , tfa man fry Chrif. Iam.a,zr. vtCommestarie vpon the trition,yea their ownerites, and traditions obfetued meritorious caufes offaluation: for they promife life eternal] tomaffes,indulgences,auricu- lar confeffion ,vowes,pilgrimages, &c. and fo tread in the very iteppes ofthere feducers. z. Againe, as the Iewifh teachers dealt with cir- etunciGon, fo doe the Papitls with our Sacraments: which becaufe by dìuine inftitution rhey are lignes and leales of Gods mercy and fairhfuli couenant, they turne them into phyficall (not conduits) but caufes, not containing onely, but conferring graceeuen by the worke wrought. 3. Further,as the Iewifh teachers lead their difciples to Rádvpon outward éhewes andprerogatiues,as that theywere fonnesofAbraham , had re- ceiued the law, citcumcifion in their fle(h, and were dif}inguifi.ed into diuerfe famous fehts, as Scribes, Pharifes,Sadduces,Effees, &c.Thevery fame things in effeSt doe Popifh teachers force men to ( {and vpon, as falle antiquitie, famed fucceffron, diffembled cha(litie,hypocriticall or- ders, as ofFrancis, Dominicke, Benedi61, and an hundred more, accor- ding to whole rules whofoeuer walke, mercy and peace they pronounce vpon him, fuch cannot fade of life euerla(ling; but as for beiecfe in the SonofGod,and Peeking life by that means,it is the leaft oftheir labour. Thus doe they with thole reducers pubis/li lies, and dreamer of their owne hearts,t bat Gods people mayforget his name: that is,the grace and mercy of God in Iefus Chrifl. life. a. This point lettethvs fee howpernicious and dangerous the Popifh doctrine is,which whofoeuer holdeth&möintaiueth is abolifh- ed from Chrifl,and fallen from grace. Paul is not more confident in any thing then this, that the ioyning of any thing with Chrífl, as the matter ofour righteoufneffe, is thecutting offofa man from Chrift, Gal. 5. 3. Behold IPaul fy and teflifie,that ifyee be crrcumcifed(that is , with opini- on of righteoufues by it or confidence in it for rife at this -time the worke of circumciuon hurt himnot,that kept himfelfe front confidence of righteoufrcffeby it) Chriflprofitethyou soothing: fo we teflifie truely againtl the Papif}s,that fo many of them as wil be iufiified by the works ofthe lawe are fallen fromChrift. Now hecaufe their doctrine reacheth this,and he is not an absolute Papift that beleeueth it not; we truly con- cludc,rhat it is a doctrine leading from Chrifi , and the abfolute Papift path nopart in Chrifl. Ohied. Both not Iames make a cooperationoffaith and works. Anf. Yea, but not in the a6t of our iuftification, nor in the matter or worke ofour faluation;bur onely in the declaration ofthe (inceririeofour faith and truthofour conuerfion,which by fruits of righteoufnciTe we Phew to be voide ofhypocrifie: fo as let faith and works ioyntly cbcurre in the approbation ofour iuftification; but in cafeofmaking vs righteous be- fore