Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

EpifïleofS. PaultoTitrra. CHAP. 1.10. fore God,away with the works ofthe law if thou meancfl to haue part 249 inChrift:thefc will neuer (land together,here let Moles die andbeburi- ed,aud let no man euerknowwhere he was laid to raife himagaine.This point (hall be clearer when we come to thofe words ofour Apoflle, Weed cam.y. are not fatted by the worker ofrighteoxf4eewhichwe haddone. In the rneane time, dare Paul affirmeofthe laweofMores, Gods ovine lawe, that he. that holds vnto it to be iultiiied by it,is fallen fromChrifl : what would he blue Paid of their defperate and irrecouerable fall , who looke for iu- ftification out oftheir owne rraditons,vowes,inventions,thc dro(ie and chalfe oftheir ownedeuiles,ofall which the Lord will fay, who required p;,;f t.a. thefethingsatyour hands ? Let vs beware ofdogger, the propertieofWhom is to retorne to their vonit,Io ofInchChrillians as turne lewesagaine; bewareof the concifïou,and betake vs to the circumcifion , which wor- fhippeth God in the fpirit;and haue no confidence in the lefh, no confi- dence in the ;awe, Get Chri(l,clole himby faith in the heart, he is the Lord and accomplifher ofthe lawe veto righteoufnefhe : and thus haft thou encloled thy righteoufnes as a ring enclofcth a Iewel.Say with that Martyr,oney Chrift,oneyChrf . z. Seeing Popifh doétrine bath not faluationbut carriethmen from Popery ought not to be tote- Chrifl; it ought not to be tolerated, where it canbe abolifhed : for the ratedwhere it fceptcrsof Chriflian Princes muff hold vp the fcepter of Chri l the canbcaboli. Prince ofpeace:and as it is no good religion in Princes to fet vp a rcligi- coed on that would abolithChrifl; fo neither is it good policie, in regard both of their treacherous pofitions& pradlifes.For as they reach that he- rericail(for fo they call Pro :eflant) Kings, may be depriuedof life, much moreother royalties and temporalties;fo is their pratlife proportionable poPútt chr,'r' in depo.îng kings &Etnperours,praóïifìng hellillr treafons,and iu(lify- tlr,us ea ;f ing themurdering of Princes.And therefore how foeuer we fhould leek confcier, to pul thepoore feduced ones ofthemour of the fire;yet ifthey be incu- tiavinculn, at cable, themfelues haue taught vs how we fhould dcale with them, or ra- man,m perem ther neither make nor meddle with them,by the tenor of the oath taken 104 pra!iare rcm-poflic. f the old leaguers in France,the forme of whichwas this; So h.eretico- crctwes, o parses deHexer°,ft fcedue, fi matrimonixm cam eis faxa ,fi opemfdemve do,fl ave,fivaledixero,illadiefulmine ferite: Godmake vs as wifely refolute to preferue the puritie of the truth amongfl vs , as they are cauteloufly circu:nfpcét to barre it out from themfelues:then lhonld they got farre inough,and flay long enough , before we fhculd entreat their retorne. whofe- monthes mttft 6eflopped,' The phrafe is metaphoricall,and betokeneth fuch an evident conui4li- onoferrors by weightof reafon,and euideuceofthe Scripture,as wher- by