Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

CHAY.II I. 2.29 Hmcefi n^tt1i deerit cap.In c. Commeassaric upon the by the aduerfary of the truth is Bruck dumb , and hash no more to fay then if he had his mouth fitut vp. Q left. But how fhould we fhut their mouthes,for filch commonly rage agaínfl the truth;and ioyne mal- lice to error,and foproflitute themfelues in impudencie,as that they wil euer hang Tome ¡hewof words at leafi topretend againí the crurh._Anf. This precept is firt and properly direóled to the MinifierofGod , who by all his endeauour mull take away all the defence of fuck errors : and then confirme the contrary truth, by fuch lure grounds and arguments as that all men may fee, they haue no found reafon; much leffe Scripture at leafi interpretedby Scripture, for their defence. And thus when the Church (hall heare what fuch perlons can fay for themfelues , it will ap- peare to be but vaine babling , and multiplyiugofwords, flowing not fieldome from fuch as are euen damned of themfelues in their owne con- (cieuce. And this prahcife is agreeable to that of Chrifl hin:felfe, who fometimes by the Scrtptures,Matth.22.39.. fometimes by reafon, Luk.' zo. z ç. z6. Gist. to Cefar: fometimes by alike interrogation and quelli- on,Luk.20.7. TheBaptifineoflohn: fometimes by poling, and par- king, Matth. 22.46. fo fet vp and filenced the Pharifes,Sadduces,Hero4 diana , and others , as none could eitheranfwer him, or durt aske him any morequefiions. But whenmen are thus confuted by argument, o- uerthrowne with the (word ofthe fpirit, and confounded by the power of truth, andyet Rill proceed to trouble thepeach of the Church, and the faith ofthe Saints : then may the Church and muff proceed by cen- fure and admonition, to enioyne them filence : the which if yet they will not heare , they might by the Church to be driuen from the fo- circle of t he faithfull: if they prooue dangerous, they mufl be cut off. D:E1"r. The duty ofcuery faithfull Miniller is, when occafion is olfe- red,timely to oppofe himfelfe againfi feducers, and flop the mouths of falfe teachers, wherein allo the Church ought to backe and trengthen him. For, 1. the exampleofChril mull be our prefident who moll boldly and freely vindicated the law from the corrupt glofles, & expo- fitions of the Pharifes,and that in his firt fermon. 2. In regard of the particularmembers ofthe Church,that they may beprcferued in found - neffe, from flatting away, and forfaking of the truth. Hence did our Sauiour Chrit not feldome vtter holy things before dogges, and fwine: that is, the Scribes,and Pharifes, andmalicious Iewes: becaufe ofthofe that flood by, that they might be confirmed againft their corruptions. And this is made one ende ofcheprecept ; the madneffe of the falle A- poKles matbemade manifell , that they may preuaile no longer. 3. In regard of the falfe teachers themfelues: fooles , faithSalomon, mull be an- a.1'im.r.tq. Faichfell teach. ers mutt timely oppofc their- felncs againft féduccrs. Keafons: I 2 3