EptflleofS. Paul to Tätuc. CHAP.i.I I. anfwcred, lea(i theyhe wife in their owne conceit: neither (hall the 223 labour be wholly 1o(ì vpon them, for it fhall be ameanes either to con- uert them, and bring them to the knowledgeof the truth , or elfe fo to conuince them as they (hall be made eacufeleffe. And further, the Churchmuff firengtheneuery Miniflers hands in this contendingfor the faith : and fo manife(i her (elfe to be the ground and pillar of trx th, which is committed toher trufl, and fafekeeping , againti all gainfay- ers. Vfe. r. This minifteriall dutie requireth a great meafure of know- iedge,and aman furnifhed with gifts of varietie ofreading, and found- neffe ofiudgemen ; euen aman who hath a florehoufe in his brefi. Firli, he mull bewell read, and skilfull in the Scriptures : that by them in the firfi place he maybe able to (hut the mouth of theaduerfary; partly by theexpreffe texts ofScripture:partly by harmonical,parrallel, & fumble places, as by the mouthof many witneffes : partly by the analogie of £aith,arifingout ofthe wholebody ofthe Scripture : partly by thepro- prietieof the (peach in the fountaine : and partly by the apt knittingof thecontext,that there may be full content with it felfe, theantecedents and confequéts:yca more,he mull be furnifhed with varietie ofreading, euen in the workes and writings ofmen , that he may be able in good fort not oncly toapprehend the (late of the quefiions, and originali of controuerfies, but alto that he may refute his aduerfary , partly by the content of the Church in all ages; and partly by the helpe of thingsthat are granted and confeffed on both fides ; andpartly by the contradiai- ons, which the patrons oferrors cannot but vaawares flip into : for it is trueofa lyar, orapatronof lies, that he had need of agood memorie. Secondly, to all this knowledge is required a found judgement, that he may be able to inferre good and neceffarie confequents vpon the graun- tingof the truth he flandeth for andou the contrarie , theabfurdities and inconueniences which necelfarily followhis aduerfaries falfepo(iti- ons. Now alas,how farreare rcaders,and dumb men from this one part of the dutie ofaMinifter ? how dangerous are they in their places ? fe- ducers may come,and doe,with open mouches into their parri(hes, they cannot flop their mouthes; nay in truth they are as the keyes to open them,and vnlocke them. Well were it,or much better with our Church, ifTheophylaflw his rule were obfcrued;that he who inCome competen- de couldnot do thefe things,lhould neither be admitted nor permitted in theMinitiry. Yfe. a. Hence we further fee that it is rather to be wi(hed then ho- ped,thar all Minifters fhould beofone minds , and accord in the truth, and at peace among themfelues.For feeing it is the confiant condition ofr EfA.a6.S. x.Tia+.j.rs. HacG non por. fis,nc is HpiC. coptis.Theoph.