Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

CNAP.I.I I. tí4Consmeertarie Von the 224 oftheChurchtohaue many daubars with vntempered morter, many Isis rather to vaine talkers, deceiuers ofmindes enemies to thec;offe of Chria and bewilhed then hoped for all ! the libertie or : what mutt now in this cafe ail the world fit (}ill, and minillcrt(hould be at sett? mull Chri(}s Mil-lifters be filent ? and the Pai ors haue neuer beoE onemiud. a voice to driue away wolues from the Lords foldes molt hurtful! do&}rine be winked at, and fuffred Hill to crespe in to the detlru&ion of many ? No, no; there mull now be oppofition and (+tong diffenrion a- mong the Miuitlers thcmfelues.Ieremic muff let himfelfeas well againfl Prietls,as Princes and people. The Mini(+ery of the Apofiles did lend ¡ muchofit felf,again(+ the false Apoiles that ferued not the Lord Iefus, but their ownebellies. Chri(ls owne Mini(iery,though the Prince and author of all our peace, bent it felfemoll againti the cheife.teachers of that age, who fought glory, and praife ofmen : and thus muff his faith - full Mini(lers tread in his holy Reps. If Paul had not Hrongly oppofed him(elfeagainf many learned teachers, Aft. t 5. 2. where had the falua- tion of the Church of that age laid ? Let men learne therefore ro be wife hearted,and get knowledgewhereby they may rather iudge ofdo- ótrines,then takeoffence at the diuerltieofiudgements, and pradlifes of Miniflers. But ifany one be funke downe fo deepe , that he voweth to beleeue noneof them all : neither will follow any religion , till they be all agreed among themfelues ,tohim I will fay, that this rocke was laid to breake the neckeof his foule vpon : and a fearefull figne it is, that Chrifl himfelfe is to him a ('cone to tlumble ar. For came notChrill to btacth.ro.;q.. make debate in the earth ? came henot to fend fire , defiring nothing morethen that it fhould bekindled ? came not he with his faune in his band to diuide betweene the chaffe and the wheate; the which (hall ne- Arattn.sss. uer be wholly feuered till the barucl? And meanefl thou tobe a looker on till the wheateand chaffe become one : or hall thou well ridde thy Aft.t847. felfe, by beeing till then iu(+ ofGalliohis religion who cared nothingfor theftthings? I allure thee who wilt looke on whilea other contend for the faith,thou (halt be alooker on toowhilefi other go into heauen, and haue lefie to doe in that bufineffe then thoudeurei, becaufe thou defi- redll it not when thou mightetl,yea when thou waft gratioutlly inuited, and detìred to enter. which fubuert whole houfe.r] In thefe words is contained the feconddangerous effect ofthefe falfe teachers ,declared by two arguments. r.bv the infirumentall caufe; ' namely, falsedohtrire :for they teach thingswhich they ought not, z.by the code ofit;for filthie /acresfake. The danger appeareth in three things. z. in that theyfubaere,that is, quite ouerttìrne the faluation ofmen. z. they fubuert hoofer, in the plu- Ier.t.t$