HpiffleofS. PailtoTitus. CHAP.1.II1. rail number. 3. whole houles. The firm of thefe fheweth that thefe dc- ceiuers not only (hake men in the foundation ofreligion, but vtterlyo_ ucrthrowe them; and doe as a man who not onely beates downe a win- dowe, or a bay, or the fide ofan houle , but diggethvp the foundation: or as one whonotonly loppeth a tree,orheweth it downby the ground, but digeth it by the roots, and quite fupplanteth it : fo doe thefe de- ceiuers quite deflroy the faith ofmen, and turne it vpfide downe : that it,not only lead men away from the fimplicitie of the Golpel,bucwhol- ly andaltogether fromeuery part of the fauing truth. Thus is the word vied among the heathen,whercby theyexpreffe fucha raging ofthe fea, as caflech vp and caufeth to floate that filth and mire which lay at the bottone, Qef . But how did they ouerturnemens faith and faluation? enf, By teaching jollification by circumcifion; that is, the works and ritesof the lawe. But willfome fay, could this beeing but one point fubuert all? I anfwer, that fundamental) truthesare filch and fo linked andknit together, asbreake one,andmany fall: yea,fome are filch as be- ing denied,all oftbenl fall to the ground. A man that pulleth downe an arch ofthe Church, endangerech thewhole; but yet the Church may 'land: but he cannot diggevp the loweft (tones ofthe foundation , but all commeth to ruine. Of theft the Apofile mentioneth two like the two pillars which Sampfonpulling downe the whole houle fell: the one that ofthe refsrreïfion, which beeing denied, all preaching , and all faith is in vainc:.the other is this of reeking righteoufnes elfewhere then in Chrif, who is Íehouahour righfeoufnes: for this makes grace no moregrit ce, and Chtifl to haue died in wine. Whenceby theway note the dangerous e- Rate of filch as hueand die effentiall membersof the Church of Rome, who by their doétrin ofinerit,and iuflification by works are fubuerted, andplucked vp by the rooces,and turned off their faluation. Queft. But ifthere be fo, whethermay a manbe faued that erreth in a fundarnentall point of religion , or in filch a oneas by confequent rafeth thefoundation ? Anf. The things which all Chritlians are bound to beleeue may be reduced to two heads. The former arc fuchprinciples as make the rule of faith, fo neerely touching the matter offaluation , as that a man can. not be fauedvnieffe heknowe and beleeue them :. for all will confeffe that he that mall be ordinarily failed, mull in forne meafure knowe the can fes,the matter,the obieél,the manner, theende,.and nseanes ofir. If God I fayordinarily faue him, he mufl knowe the platformeofChrifli- an religion. As for example : s. God in vnitieofdietie, and trinicie of perfon: for vnleffe he knowe God in lefus Chrifi , there is no life euerla- fling. 2. himfelfe in the guihüus, and under thecurieof Enne; feeing Chritl. zas a.Cor.as.r4. Gal.a.sa, Whether a rr á. may!): tuned that el reth in a fundsnstn ll point. Ioh,aT.;ò