Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

01101Maraaaamantraar. CHAP.L.I I. vl Commentarie upon the 226 (aria came to call none but (inners ro repentance: andhunger after the meanes ofdeliuerance, for the waters ofthe well ofJife are giuen onely CO fuch as thirflafter them.3.Themeanef,as that withoutf 4dingofblood there ù no renvilionoffinne,and coniequently that the SonneofGod muff take the nature ofman,fuffer in that nature,pay the price, and beare the curieoffinne:whofe powerful' viaory ouer fin and death manifefled in his refurre&ion and afcenfionvnto his father,applied by faith to th °e be leeuer,fball fully acquit &difcharge himfrom wrath at his comming a- gaine to judgment. Thefe thingsmufl be knowne , I fpeake not of the mcafureofknowledge,but fotnuch as there mull be an expreffe beleefe Mar.t6.16. ofthefe things: for he that beleeueth or in the SonneofGod,Jbell not fee life: and confcquently in Tome fort what neede he bath of Chrifl, and what Chrifl hatit done and fuffered for him. Secondly,there are other truths which are confequents deduced from the former:and thefe are oftwo forts.Some things are fo clearely dedu- ced, as by the neete dependance with theformer, the confequent is ne- ceflarily feenc. For example : that out of the Church is no faluation; that faith is ordinarily by the word preached, &c.al whichmutt neceffa- rily be expreffely belecued,oncondition,ifGodmake their dependance on the former to appeare: For I doubt not but that God not reucaling them ,many thoufands are fatted in the ignorance of 'retie many fuch cruthes: but we may not hereon build our ignorance, who haue fo many meanes ofreuelation:ourvnbeleefe is not onely damnable,becaufe bee. Aiwa cli non crcdcrc aliud ing bound to beleefe wecannot,or doenot,but in that we will not, but nonecredcr refufe the meanes of knowledge and faith. The other kinde of derived undies are further remooued,and not fo cleare : as concerning the reft of the fathers before Chriff,the local diffent of Chrifl into hell,&c.fuch as thefea man may without danger,be ignorant in,yea and erre alfo,fo it be without pertinacieand oblitnacie. Theflrll points mentioned, mull expreffely be knowne and belecued:the former ofthe two latter may be Implicite;& rnknowne in particular,fo as in generali a man beleeue all things contai- przparationc ned in the word,andbe ready according o meanes offred to trauell fur- ther into the knowledgeofGod.And the lall I take it,a man may wich- out danger,neither know nor beieeue. And fomuch of that queflion, which lerteth vs fee how neceffary it is to fee that both publiklyand pri- vately our (clues and ours bee grounded in the truth of religion , and points of catechifine,which are wofully and dangeroufly defpifed. Many arecal. Vfe.In that thefe feducers ouerturnem- en from oft their foundation, we Icd,fiwarc chokn. learne, that all are not chofen that arc called. Many belecuers were here called,and feemed to be laid on the foundation, in regard of their out- wardprofeffion,but are fubuertedagaine; manyof them made {hew as though 1ieb.y.aa.