P Epiflle ofS.Paul to Titu.a. CHAP.I.I I- though theyhadbeeneTemples oftheHoly Ghoff,but prooued to haue 227 had but Tandy foundations: for thewanes of of li6tions no fooner beate them, nor the windieblaffs of feducers fooner puffe vpon them , then they totter and (hake like a lealeor reed, &at lall thefall ofthem. i great. Matth.7.27. So many lanch faire forth into the fea, who never fafely &happilyarriue at home againe:and many faylers to heauen fufferj ipwracke by the way. Two fec out of Moab, both Orpah andRuth,but one of themholdeth on to Iudah. We haue toomany Or/Aar, whoforfaking her ovine people for loue of Gods people, trauelleth on a while towards the Lords country:but Naomi alleadging but one worldly reafon,fhe turneth back againe, (hemuff haueher husband, although (with bitternes of heart ) (he returne to her gods. Haue not we chofe who had feemed to haue forfaken the world, tohaue ioyned themfelues in zeale and hearty affe. 6tion toGod andhis people? haue they not feemed tooutgoe, yea out- runne others towards theheaucnly lerufalem?would they not haue been as forward in any goodmotion or action as thebell? and yet how fud- denly haue they turned falle, and fallen Tome to the world ; efpecially when theworld came vpon them, force topleafure, Come to coldneffe, font tohatred of Inch courfes, that men may fee and fay, furely Come feducer hath met with them, and preuailed againff them? How many who haue feemed waxe-hearted Chriflians,foft and pliable, whocould weepe for firme bitterly ; be amazed at the judgementsof God threate- ned out of his word , flood in aweofGod, and durff not fume, but are nowof an other colour? makeno confcienceof oaths, dicing, gaming for their neighbours money, leafingon the Sabbath day,and otherwife profaning it,& focontemning theminiflerie, that let all the curfes of the lawe benow directedagainff them perlonally,they areno more mooned then theLeuiathan, who rifeth not vp when the[word touchethhim ,but ac- fob4r.ay. countethyronasffrawe, and6raffe u rottenwoode: cuen fo (with him) chefe laugh at the fhaking of the fpeare, and the archers of God cannot make them tlie. Oh therefore lec vs beware,.feeing fo many choulands let out of Egypt, whoneuer came intoCanaan, that we milcarrienot, and fall from our ownedfedlaffnes. Let vs labour as much for affection now as we haue done for knowledge, that with our vndcrflanding we may ioyne the fincere loue of the truth. Andfeeing it is no leffe vcttue to keepe the good we haue gotten, then it was praife to gait, let vs fence our hearts quicken Gods graces in them, and pray for perfe- nerance. The fecottdpoint whereby the danger is aggrauated is, that thefe fe- snaueersre. ducers fubuerted houfes,not one or two, but many. And hence oblerue cr'3 Ymfca & crecpe into what is the guileofdeceiuers,euë to creep into houles & fecretly to cor- i houfts. P I rupt Ruth.t.t4. Many fet out of Egypt who ne- urr comeat Canaan.