Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

Epifl/e d' S. Pad to Tit/a. CHAP.I. I I hurtfull men : r, to trie the faith of his, and their lone to the truth, whe- ! 229 they they will abide withhim in temptation : 2. to route vs out offccu. Rearons title, that the more gins and fnares are laid for vs,we might be the more neec.rr;. circumfpeét : for thus the Lord left the Canaanites in the Land vede- y flroyed, to cxercife his people: forwhich with other codes, he feeth it 'recce that thcfe tares fhould growe together with the wheate vntill the harueft. ;. As thefe wicked ones are fubtill to corrupt the truth, and difperfe their errors, namely by infceling, and fubuertingbottles; fo fhould wee on the contrarie leatne to be wife in our generations, and know hence, that the way offortifying and fpreading the truth , and banifh errour is, by inflrueing and informing cur houles. And Purely truth will neuer flourifh in the Church and in publike, till it he moreheartily ,and with better welcomeentertained in families. Wee i(h good lawes,and by Gods balling many there are for theChurch: but were there none CO our hands, euery Chriflian fhould be a lawe to himfe!le, and all that is within his gates. Let vs make good orders,and oblerue them in our fa- milies, and thus our bottles (hall become Churches. And by whetting the truth vponcur children and feruants,they (bal be able to teach their families after vs, and fo we fhallprcpagate the grounds of true religion euen to after ages. The third point of the danger is, that they fubuert wholehaufes ; not Er.oris one or two perfons iu the houles, but whole hcufes. Where note the d'nomfcs;oac. infection oferror, which is therefore compared to agaugrene, or tun. 2.rim.2.7. ning tettcr, which let it take any one part, and dcflitute it of beate and vital! fpirits, it proceeded) on vnto all; and no way is there to cure the perfon, but by cuttingoff the member. Our Sauiour Chrifì calleth the do&rine of theScribes andPhari(ies fauen, for the fpreading of ir. So a stsó.tsss. alfo if theerror be in manners : let Peter diffemblea little , and a num- ber will fall with him, yea andBarnabas altowill be drawne into the dif- cat itr. fmulation. 'fe. r. TeachingMafiers offamilies tobecome more wary ofthem- felues,for on them depcndeth the good efface of the whole family : if they beouerreach.ed the whole family is feduced : if the deuill hold in his power theMailer ola familie,hcknoweth little good will be done in that houle:except the Lordpreferue fome Iofcph in Potiphars houfe,or force Saints in Ncrocscourt to iudge and condemne the tell both here, and at the great day. a. They mull be watchfull ouer their families, tokeepe Popifh , and prophane perfons our ofdootes, leaf+ theycorrupt the refl. We kncwe little what mifcheife a little leguendoth,but the deuill knoweth well P z inongh;