Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

=ztaotaimuRr; MI5tetZt6WiYesVYAW.Well'Ottstthyttl Ec? CHAT. I. I D AV L aferuant ofGod,4nd an Apofile lefts' Chrift, according to thefaith ofGods Elcili and theacknowledgingofthe truth, which is ac- cording unto 4odlineffe, 2 Veto the hopeofeternall life, which Godthat cannot lie, bath promifed before the worldbegan : 3 But hathmade his wordmanifefi in due time,:hrough the preaching which is committeduntome,according to the commandement ofGodour Sauiaur : 4. To Titusmy naturall Tonneaccording- to thecommonfaith; Grace,mer. cy,andpeacefromGod theFather,and from the Lordlefus Chrift ourSauiourc N thefe fowre verles containing the (alutation, which is theexordium, or fidi part ofthe Epiflle , wee halm two things toconfider: r. The perlons, r.faluting: z,faluted. a. The formeofthe falutation it felfe. The perfon fainting, is defcribed, r.byhis name, Paul. a. by his office: r. more generali , afertiant of God: z. more fpeciall, and an eA400file of lefus Chrift : which is further enlarged by the ende ofit; namely, either to preach the faith of Gods E- le& (as the Geneua trar.ílation hath it) or rather hereby to bring the E- lea veto the faith,accordtog to thefaith ofGods Elea: ¡Ton which oceafi- on he entreth into a largeand notable defcriptionofthis faith,and ther- by proccedeth in amplifying thedignirie ofhis calling;as we fhall fee in the feuerall parts when wecome vnto them. Pad j In this name, two quc(lions come to be retained. i. How the Apofile came by this name, feeinghe was a Iew , and on the eight day, beeing csrcumcifed according to the law,was namcdSaul,after the icw- ifh manner , and not Paul ? Anf Not to (land vpon the opinions of Come, who thinkehe was called by both thefe names , becaufe he was both a Iew by birth, and a Gentile by his freedome in Aomc :neither of fuch,as thinke hewas thus called, becaufe he concerted Sergius Paulus the Proconful visto the Chrihian faith:for we read that he was thus cal- A 2 led 3 Origin prztat. cpilt.ad Item.