Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

CHAP.I.I I . zio Mailers of fa. milks mull keepout Po. pith & profane perlòns,if they wouldnot haue their hou- fes ideate!. chap.s4. s. 4..6. An hare feevp. on gaine will feed i c feile by fal llioòd. M icha,3.s.r 1. t3zea.13.18,19 Commentarievpon the inough ; and therefore hefeekechtothruft intoeuery fociety and fami- ly, fotne wretch or other, not to hinder good things only , but to fpread euill and mifcheife, that if he can Chrifts owne companie (hail not be without a ludas. Well knowethhe that one (wearer, onedrunkard,one contemner ofGod, and his word, will doe more mifcheife in a houle, then many religious perfons can doegood. Let heads offamilies not take their feruants hand ouer head,noc caring what their feruants areor arenot, fo they will be droyles and drudges: but for their owne fake, for their children fake, and for themoreprofperous fucceffe ofall their bufi- neffe, make fuchchoife of their feruants, as they may truely fay with Te- l-loud; Iandmy houfe willferue theLord: and withEller, Iandmymaids Will ).lil. 3. WhenSatan or hisMinillers goeabout priuily to bring vs out of raft v4ith the word, or the preachers and profe(fours of it, be wife to efpy his malice betimes, and timely preuent him; forotherwife he will fpee- dily fubuert thee and thy houfe;for he doth his mifcheife bydegrees:and if thou yerldeft thy felfe but a little tohearken to his whiffle ,God in in- (lice may yeeld theewholly, and thy houfe to delution. Thus haue wePeen the dangerous efle&softhefe falle teachers, which beeing fo great,muft encreafe the trueMinifiers, I. diligence, A. zo.. 28. 2. faithfulnef aagain(# them,Gal. i 1.r,i.Nowwe come to the de- clarationofthis latter effeei: by the inflrumentall caufe,falfedo;lrine: and thefind, which is couetoufnes, orfilthy lucre. Teaching thingswhich theyought not : ]that is, either impious doétrines, whichderogate from the glory of God,&extenuate themerit of Chriflr or eis loofe and licentious doótrine, rather giuing patronage to corrupt manners, then any way improouing them. And all thefe they teach for filthy lucresfake. Dad. Were the heart is let vpon gaine, it will haue falfehood to feed it. True it is, in all forts of men and callings, which is here Paid of falfe teachers, filthy lucre and falfehood, are infeparable companions. The Prophet Micha tellethvs, that the Priefis that teach for hire, and the Prophets that prophecie for money, while they bite with their teeth: that is, while they haue to biteand feed vpon, all ispeace to the feeders: but if amanput not into theirmouthes., that is, fatisfie not their appe- tite,and defire,they prepare warreagainflhim ,as if he were an enemy to God and man. The like affirmeth Ezechiel of the falfeprophets, who polluted the Lord among his peoplefor handfullsof barley, andprices of breadwould feriae pi(lawesvndertueriearmebole: by which type they fig- nified cafe andprofperitie to the people ; and madevailesfor eueriehead, thereby fignifying Godsprotet1ion and fafety; and fo fed the people with