Epifile ofS.Poi to ritto. 7 CHAP.I.I I. with peace and pleafrng things, when the Lord had not (poken peace; 231 and all thisonely to feed their couetoufnes. Which plowe of their owns that it might goe forward , they would/LOH/es joHle which fhould haue li- ued, and giuelife tofouler that fhould not liue; make the righteous fad, and llrengthen the hands of the wicked,ver.z2. Such Marchants the Apolile `Peter (peaketh of, who through couetonfneffe,with fained words 2.Pce.a+ would adulteratepure doctrine, and make merchandifa of men; buying and felling foules for gaine, as beafis in markets. By which note the true ApoRles would bee difcerned from the falle, wee are not fuch as t.cor.2.17. make merchandizeofthe word of God: that is,fuch as by fraud and balearts play the huckflers to enhanfe the price, and amplifie our own gaine:and, Phil.3.s 8,t 9. fpcaking of falfe Apotlles,whofe beillie is their God,who mind earthly things ; but our conuerfatien is in heauen. And whence can fuch floods of errors as daily difcouer themfelues, Row fo fall, but from fuch a corrupt headas this is ? When Balaama eye lodeH. is vpon Balzacs gold,it midi needs beblinded; and when couecoufnefle is become the confcience of men , no maruell if they dare fpeake, write, attempt any thing, if it will helpe them forward to their expc&ed wa- ges. It is no maruell that a graceleffe pompous reacher, fuch as glori- eth in the flefh, that canput himfelfe out farce further and more boldly by the fhadow, then an holyChrillian man that bath the fubfiance : for he bath a fenfrble fpurre within him ; not the glorie of God, good of Gods people, or puritie of religion ; but himfelfe, his (oellie, his backe, his owne glorie; which before they (hall giue way or faile, let the Church finke or fwim; let errors and corruptions, as a deluge Howe into the Church, fo he may rifeby them, he will be fo farce frompreuen- tiugand refuting them , as he can ftraine his wits to patronage and de- fend them ; yea Church and Common wealth (hall fall too, if by it a privately-mindedman can ride. Further, fee we not the tyrannie of this finne,which bath forced fomany to turne the tipper from that they haue commendably vndertaken in their former daies ? yea and in not a fewe, who havingmiffed of their expeEted promotion , haue refolued to be- comePapills,and traitors,thruflingthemfeluesforpreferment into moll, defperate, and ineuitable mifcheifes. Vfe. But here above all feducers , the Church of Rome and teachers of it, lie moll dircétly under this Apollolicall obferuation,who(not fer- uing the Lord Iefus, but their ovine bellies) whatfocuer they teach is fuch lluffe as they ought not , for filthy !acres fare : their whole religi- on is compacted, and contriued for gaine : yea and vc hereas it was neuer heard of, that any feducers made gaineofany but the liuing,Popi(h tea- chers about all impoftora , not onely exact gaineof the lining by per- _ P 3 dons, Multo equsnl. rrìuc decé mil. Iium animaran fervour iaRuram ¡umdecem l.,lidnrum.Ni. col.Clemangis dePontil: