Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

CtMr.I.I I. A Comme,rta>'ie vow the a3a tti9YA ó,Ì +11Y .,xa..,o, r., erip,r, j dons, maffes, confelíions, offrings,pilgrimages,worthipping ofSaints, indulgences,and which is worfe,tnaking but a moray matterof the grea- ten, andmoll barbarous finns,ofwitchci afr,periury,murther evenoffa- ther,mother,wife,childe,ìnfant in the wombe,incell, Sodomie, beniali- fie, (in noneofwhich I belie them) but even the dead cfcape themnot, but pay large tributes, by meaner of the deuife oftheir purgatorie. In one word, the befc oftheir religion is a myftery ófiniquicie. AndWould to God this finse were confined in the Popifh Clergic. 2. Let all the Minif}ers ofChrifl learne, t, towant and abound, and becontented in all el1ates. a. think,: it their riches, if they can enrich the Church with fpiricuall graces. 3, confider their callings, to drawe men fromearth to heauen:and their titlesoffars, which are fixed inheauen: eyes which cannot locke vpwardand downeward at once : and imitate theeie, the fight ofwhich becaufe it ishindred bya littlemoteof earth, it fesres nothingmore then earth or duff, and is guide to (hut it (elfe a- gainft er. 12. Oneof than ebses, earn their owns Prophetfaid ;TheCretiant arealwaieslyeri, exrll6eaffs,flowe bellies. 13. Thiswanes is true, wherefore represas thep,, fhurpey that they tray befound in thefaith,. The (cope of the Aponte beeing not onely to prouoke Titus todili- gence in his owneduty, but to a faithful) care in thechoifeof the Mini- tiers; andhauing drawneone argument to this purpofe from the multi- tudeof falfe teachers: Now he taketh another as effeétuall as the former, from the difpofitionof the people ofCreta, who werenaturally of ane. uill difpofition, men readie to be carriedaway,yea, euen to offer them- felues to any delufion. And that it might appeare fo to be,hedefcribeth their manners: 1. by enumeration of the vices to which they were natu- rally addi&2ed : 1. yers: 2. nail beaßs : 3.flame bellies, 2. enlargeth it by the circumflance of time, alwaies. But leaf} the Cretiaru !}could chal- lenge him either of untruth, or allured and uncharitable dealingwith them, moll wifely to auoideall their enuie agsinn his perfon, which would hinder them from brooking his doctrine, he vfeth a preface wherein be tbeweth that he fpeaketh nothing of his owne, but that which hach beonebefore terrified of them, andagaínft them; and that by fisch a one as is aboueall their exception, evenone oftbemfclus,,caentheir atoneProphet, borne, brought vp, and lining asnongn them , who there- fore vponknowledgeand good intelligence, writ vnpartially thetruth of them in that his Hexameter. Thewhichbeeing repeated,kit,he fub- fcribeth to the truthofit, This witneCeis trxe: and fecondly, groundetb an exhortation to Titus, that thereforebeefboxld repro.ae themfbarpey:to the