Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

CHAP. r.t. .r! Conmeatigrie.vpos the 14 Mat.t;.1o. Matth.7.la. The truc diffe- renceoffacing faith of the C- left front ano- ther. Lat.6.66, Match c6.a6. and affenc is ioyned fuch a profeffion of the truth , as !hall came a great {hew and formeof godlineffc. Secondly, a kindeof gladneffe and glo- rying in that knowledge: for it is afcribed toCome, who in ,temptation !hall fall away, to receiuethe wordwith icy. To both which may be boy- tied fometimes a gift ofprophecie, fometimes of working miracles : ás fome in the lau{ day !hall fay, Lord, bane weenot prophecies' and caf out deuill,in thy name , and vet they thai! bee VI1kIOW11Cof Chilli. Neither ofthefe is the faithof the eleát herementioned : but a third kind called faurngfaith, the inheritance ofwhich is the proprietie of the elea.:for the iuft man onely liueth by this faith : which in excellencie paffeth both the former in threeworthy properties. I. Its that here with the a61 of vn- derflanding andaffent vnto the truth, theregoeth fuch a difpofitionand affe6lion of the heart, as apprehendeth, and applieth vnto it the pro_ mile of graceveto faluation ; caufing a man to reioyce inGod, framing hinavnto the feare of God, and to thewaiting through hope,for the ac- complifhment of thepromife of life. 2. In that whereas both the former are dead,and not railing vntoanew life in Chrift , what fhewes focuer be made for the time, the funne ofperfecution rifeth and all fuch rimy- 'flute is dried vp : This is a liuely and gnickninggrace,reaching into the heart Chri( R and his merits ,who is the life ofthe foule, and the taaoouer of it to all godly a6lions, not fuffering the belecuer to be either idle or vnfrni:fullin thework.e oftheLord 3. Whereas both the former are but temporarie, this is perpetual( and failing: theother riling vpon tempo- rarie caufes and reasons, can !aft onely for a time , as when men for the pleafure ofknowledge, or thename of it, by induflrie attaine a great meafure of vnderftanding in diuinc things; or when, for note and glory, or commoditie,true, or apparent, men profeffe the Gofpell: let but chofe grounds faile a little, or perfecution approch,they lay the key vnder the - doore, glue vp houle, andbid farewell to all profeffion. Thus many of Chrifis Difciples,who thought they had truly bcleeued in him,and that many moneths;when they heard him fpeake of the eating of his flefh, and drinkinghis blood, went backe, and walkcd with him no more. But thematter is here farre otherwife: Peeing this faithof theelc61 hath the promifemade goodto it, that thegates of bell Jhall newer preuaile againfi it. plc. This conclufon teacheth vs , r.That true faith is an infallible markeofeleólion, affuring the beleeuer as certainly of his faluation, as if hewere already gathered vp to his fathers:oras ifhe had a fpcciall re- uelation.For befides that here it is a grace impropriate to the ele&, the. Sonne ofGod teacheth it : Ioh. 6.'3 7.. ill that the Father giwetb mee, /hallcome Tinto twee: that is,all thole whom the Father chufech to faluati- on Contra Concil. Trid.feti:ó.can. 15,16.