Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

CHAP. T. t 4Commc,Jltarievpon Ike 22 but in theGofpel with this commandement of loue , goeth in beleeuers the gluing of Chri(k, and the gift of faithwhereby they areenabled in the performanceof it : whence alfo the Apofile /ohn calleth it both an s 2oh t a. olde doc`lrine, namely, in regard ofthe fubfianceof it ; and a newe dodrine, not as latter in time, but in refpe&of that effe&uall power of renewing the foule which accompanieth it, and maketh thedo&rine effe&uall to the beleeuer; it beeing the quickning fpirir, which reformeth the tninde informed. In likemanner doth our Apolle elfewhere oppofe the eui- a.eoa3t& denceof thisdofìrine, to the variedknowledge of the law,and afcribeth vnto it two things abone that which the law affoardeth: r.a clearer illu- mination :Wee behold ae inamirrour, theglorieof theLordwith open face: a. reformation ofheart and life : and are changed into thefame image ,from glorie, to glorie; which is the ende of the formerenlightening, vnto which the law couldnot lead vs: which lettethvs fee indeed fume part of the glorieof the Lord,but cannot change vs(as this)into that we fee. Coloft3.to. And as thepropertieofthis truth is, co renewe men¿y the knowledgeof:t,r, Ephs.ro. his image that did create vs: fo whofoeuer haue learned Chrifl Al the truth u in Chrifl , bee hath caft of the olde man , and is renewed in the fpirir of the mimic. This knowledge leaueth not men in vaine fpeculation, but leadeth forwardeuerie ChriPian towardshis perfe&ion, 2. Timoth. 3. ver. t 6. Humane truths Vfe. r. If thisbe the preheminenceof theword , to frame the foule frame not the heart to goad- to true godlineffe,then it is a matter above the reach of all humane lear- eì ning: and thereforethe folly ofthofemen ishence dìfcouered , whode- noteandbury themfelues inprofane (Indiesofwhat kind focuer they be, thinking therein to obtaine more wifedome, then in the fiudieof the Scriptures. But in forfakingthe wordof theLord, what wifedomeuthere? and what is their gainemore then that (by the iufi wrath of God vpon them)they are commonly turned into that they read,liuing inopenpro - fanenes, or elfe at thebell, are but ciuill men, without religionor good confcience. For let a man read and (ludieall his dales, all arts and fcien- ces; let him be exquifite in tongues, languages, and all commendable li- terature,(which are things excellent)yet let him negle& this knowledge a,Tiu 3.ts. which beareth thebell inmakingmen wifevntofalioation, filch an one can neuer haue his heart framedvetogodlineffe. truth Examine if the thus framed 2. Euery hearer of the truth mttr examine whether by it his heart be my thus framedunto godlineffe, for elfe it is not rightly learned a foras this heart. grace bath appeared to this prsrpofe, to teach men to denie vngedlinefe, and Tit.a q worldly lulls , RNA to linefoberly, and irrfly, andgodjinthisprsjens world: fo is it not then learned , when men can onely dilcourfe of the death of liom.6d. Chrif,ofhis refurreâion,of his afcen(on,except withal' there be force expert.