Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

CiHAP.I.2. 24 The aime ofa faithfull moi- (left/ is to brin_ men tohearten': ly mindedneffe. .Reafon s. t. Matth.6.1I. Ioh.6.17. r.Cor.7.31. 3 Heb.rr.a6, Mattb.tl.;6. Rom 8 ty c.4Commentesrie upon the lent vertues, andnamely, with %iiowledge, hope, &c. DoElr. Euery faithfull teacher muff conceiueit tobehis duty,to draw mens hearts from things belowe, to the contemplation of things of an higher (iraine, and from feeking the things tending to a temporall,vnto fuch as belong to life eternati. Reafons. r. This was the ayme (not onely ofour Aliofile here)but of all the men ofGod, whofè faichfulneffe the Scriptures bath recommen- dedvoto our imitation. All that pedagogie during the law,wasonely to traine men voto Chrift, and to faluationby him. But that rudiment bee- ing abolifhed,& the truth further breakingout, the cheife do &or of his Church (letting himfelfe a coppie to all reachers)calledmen ro no other thing,thenfirfl to feeke the kingdomeifGod, and to laborer(notfor theperlfb- ingfood) but that which abidethvoteeteroall life. And after him , his holy Apoflles made no other vfe ofthofemainearticles of our faith, the truth ofwhich they left confirmed in all their writings:as if they were occafi. oned to fpeake of the deathof Chrill , it was to the end that beleeuers fhould die to theworld, that henceforth theyfhon/d vfe it as not vfing it, or as men crucified voto it : if of the refurreilion ofChrifl , it was to the fame purpofe, that men fhould be railed with himhenceforth to leek the things which are aboue: if of his afeention, it was that men might in heart and affe&ion afcend vp after him. a. Anotherprofeflìonsfurther men in their earthly eflates:fomeem- ployed about the health of the bodie, tome about the maintaining of mensoutward rights,fome about the framing oftender minds in humane difciplines and fciences; all which further our fellowfhip and focietie a- mong men : onely this of all other profeflions, furthereth men in their heauenly elate, and fitteth them , yea maketh vp for them their fellow- Chip with God, Eph.4.11.1z. 3. Hereby men lay a lure ground worke ofprofiting men in godlines: for this expectation and delire of life eternall oncewrought in the heart, it eally bringeth men to the deniall ofthemfelues , both in bearing the croffe for Chrifl,as Mofes etteélned highly of the rebuke of Chrill ; for he had refpe&unto therecompence of reward: as alto in dripping them- felues ofprofits, pleafures, aduancements, friends,father,wife, children, liberiie, yea , life it felfe. Set this treafure before the eyes of thewife merchant,hewillfill allforit. Tell aman of an earthly kingdome, and let him throughly digelt the conceit ofobtaining iric wil be Each a coma mander, ashe willingly both rndertaketh, and deuoureth any trauell for it; euen fo let the beleeuing foule once conceiue ofraigningwith aria,', Matth.r9.28. it will eafily fuffer any hardfhip with him.Thedifciples defirous toknow what recompence their Lordwould make them, for leaning autofo/lowe him: